Our Primary 3 children were stars last week at their Egyptian assembly. Here are some photos to show how we were taken to the Nile in style.
Primary 3
Primary 3 have been researching about the pyramids this week and have also been learning some Egyptian dance moves! All the boys and girls enjoyed taking part in World Maths day and playing the games on the laptops. Our class assembly is now organised for the 21st of March, so we have made our invitations to be sent home.
Primary 3
Primary 3 have been writing descriptions of what their own personal Egyptian god would look  like and do. Here is an example of what they have been  writing.
My god is called Tolkanic. He has four red and blue crowns, small pointy ears, 39 teeth and pure black eyes. He has a white skirt around his waist. His head is in the shape of a husky. Tolkanic can control the moon and fight of naughty thieves trying to steal children during the night.
Kadan p3
Primary 3
This week in writing Primary 3 wrote a Health article all about the heart. In maths we have been learning about fractions and halving and doubling numbers. Primary 3 have been also been researching about daily life in ancient Egypt for their topic.