P3 Class Blog

P3 have had lots of fun doing expressive arts this week.

For dance, we had a taster session from Danceworld. We all had to stay on our spots and do the moves we learned at the same time.

For drama, we have started rehearsals for our class assembly. We have been learning about scripts, cues and stage directions.

For music, we have been practising singing our songs for the class assembly.

We used our literacy skills to write invitations for our class assembly and brought them home. Please check school bags if you haven’t received your invitation yet. The assembly will be on Friday 24th November. Please arrive at 9am for a 9.15am start.



Over the past few weeks, Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have been learning about Nativity.

First, we heard the Nativity story, and tried to relate what we learned to our own ‘Wriggly Nativity’ story. We also looked at different versions of the story and talked about what was the same and what was different.

Then, we moved on to creating the programme for our own Nativity performance. We drew a picture of ourselves as our character, wrote our own name and tried hard to write our character’s name. They looked great! We photocopied them for our grown-ups to enjoy too!

Finally, after lots of singing and acting (and wriggling!) came our performance of ‘Wriggly Nativity’. After a slight delay from the fire alarm, we were ready to go! We loved the songs, especially the parts where we could wriggle! Mrs Andison and Miss McLaughlin were very proud – we’re sure we saw tears in their eyes! We really enjoyed our learning over this topic!

Miss McLaughlin and Mrs Andison would like to thank Nia Mullen (P5) and Lewis Paterson (P4) for being wonderful narrators; Liam Cavanagh (P7) and Zoe Evans (P7) for being super with our sound; Rebecca Lawrie (P7) and Alexa Renwick (P7) for selling our programmes; Miss Speirs for keeping the performance going; Mrs Hull for all the song rehearsals; all of the grown-ups who came to see our performance and bought the programmes, and finally, to the children in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 who worked so hard to make the performance as special as it was. Thank you.

Merry Christmas from Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 🙂

Primary 3 say Shabbat Shalom!

In Primary 3 we have been learning about the Jewish tradition of Shabbat. We know that to keep Shabbat the Jewish people do no work, to remember the story of God creating the world in 6 days, and resting on the 7th day.

We used drama in class to show what we know about this special celebration which happens from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

P6 weekly blog

This week we took part in the Rights Respecting Schools whole school assembly. The right we had been learning about was ‘ we all have the right be the best you can be and be proud of ourselves’. We showed what we had been learning through a drama, a powerpoint and posters.

Sneak Preview – Thursday’s Child

This Wednesday and Thursday, 12th & 13th June 2013, will see the only performances of Thursday’s Child, our school show.  Tickets are £2.50 for adults and £1.50 fo children and are selling fast!  The show starts at 7 pm each evening and is fabulous!  Here are a few sneak peeks but be sure to get your tickets while you can, as you won’t want to miss it!!!!!!!


Primary 2

The children have been using play scripts in drama.  We used The Gingerbread Man and the children had fun in role as the characters.   In science we learned about friction using cars and a variety of ramps and in art we explored sculpture.  We looked at the different materials that were used to make sculptures, what inspired the creations and got some ideas for our own creations.

This week is Health Week.  Please remember to bring outdoor and indoor gym kit as well as a bottle of water and healthy snacks.

Primary 6

This week in P6 there has been lots of learning going on. We have been working in our topic groups to make a  model of the Titanic. The parts of it that we’ve been making are:  the funnels, the decking, the hull and the sea.

In writing we have been writing settings for stories and trying to guess other peoples. We really all enjoyed our writing this week because we had  to guess each others settings.

We were given our tickets for the Titanic in drama.  Some people had first class tickets,others second and third.

In assembly we where thinking about consideration of others and Rights week after the holiday.

Everyone dressed inside out today to raise money for UNICEF!  We had to spell our words forwards and backwards for our spelling check-up!

We hope everyone has a good long weekend!

Miss McLennan and Primary 6 🙂


P1m Reflective Learning

This week P1m started some drama about fairytales. We made houses for fairytale characters using our bodies. We have also been learning about still image. We made scenes from Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Little Pigs. We used our faces to show how we were feeling, but didn’t use our voices.

Til next week…

Primary 2

This week in primary 2 we have been learning how to order numbers.  Learning about tens and units helped us to order larger numbers.

 In literacy we have been working on segmenting and building words.  The children have enjoyed working with the magnetic letters and boards to do this. 

Our new topic is the sun, moon and stars and we have been learning about this through a variety of activities.  We found out about the first man on the moon and used actions to remember his name.  Can you remember what the actions were?  In drama we worked in groups to man a space shuttle.  Pupils enjoyed this activity and particularly the space themed musical background.  They were great in role!  In art we used chalk drawing and blending skills to create sun, moon and stars pictures.  The children chose which one of two pictures to create.  They enjoyed being able to create the reflection of the moon on water. The artwork created was super and will be displayed in class.

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