Sports day will take place on Tuesday 21st May at 1:30pm, on the playing fields beside the school. Sports Day will include potted sports and traditional races. Children can come to school on Thursday dressed ready for Sports Day, please ensure no football colours are worn. We would also request that all children remember to bring their water bottle to school on that day so they can take it to the field with them. To join in with their team spirit we would request if possible children wear a top in their Pumphie Pals colour:
- Almond – Green
- Breich – Red
- Calder – Blue
There will be an area on the field designated for families to spectate the events and we would request that parents/ carers please stay in this area. Dogs are not permitted at Sports Day. Please note, due to health and safety, there will be no access to the school for spectators. Due to photograph restrictions, we ask that you only take photographs of your own child/ children and ensure that no photos or videos of other children are taken, or posted on social media.
At the end of Sports Day, can we please request that all parents/ carers stay on the field until all the children have safely returned to the school building. Then we will open the playground and parents/ carers can collect their child from outside their classroom door.
Should we have to cancel due to the weather, we will Groupcall you by 11.00am on that day.
We look forward to you joining us for a fun and healthy afternoon!