Primary 6 say farewell

This week in Primary 6 has been bittersweet – we have had lots of fun but are having to say goodbye to our teachers. Miss Anderson loved her assembly this afternoon – there were tears of joy and of sadness. She was delighted with her awards, flowers and cards. Never before has she had a song written and performed for her! Thank-you to the pupils and staff for organising such a fun afternoon, it was definitely memorable.


We have finished learning about keeping safe and growing up, Miss Anderson has been impressed with how mature and sensible pupils in Primary 6 can be. Next term will be another opportunity to demonstrate this whilst working with our Nursery Buddies. We will find out who we are paired with on the first Thursday back after the Easter break.


So for the last time – goodbye from Primary 6 and Miss Anderson, we hope you all have a lovely holiday!


6 Replies to “Primary 6 say farewell”

  1. I wish you had able to be there too Emma – we’ve all missed you this week. Check your tray when you come back after the holidays – there’s a wee something for you from me.

    Miss Anderson 🙂

  2. You have made a huge impact on the school and the pupils in a very short space of time Miss Anderson. good luck in the future, you will be missed at PUSCPS.

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