Primary 6 Meetings

This week and last we have had a Class Meeting. This is an opportunity for everyone in the class to get together and discuss issues that have been raised throughout the week. We discussed different ways to make sure that we stay on track, in terms of behaviour and work. As a class we decided to start Behaviour Buddies. Everyone will have a Behaviour Buddy and everyone will be a Behaviour Buddy. On Thursday we plan to take part in a few trust building exercises.

In Maths the Red group have been working with 3 and 4 times tables. We have been using concrete materials to help but are becoming much more able to remember out times tables facts. The Blue and Green group have been learning about Prime Numbers and Factors. So far we are all able to identify factors and we know how to explain if a number is Prime. We are nearly ready to move on to our next topic so watch this space.

We have started our Rivers topic. Each of our activity groups has chosen a river to research in preparation for our assembly (19th Feb – save the date!). We have already rewritten famous songs and have started planning and writing our Dramas. We don’t expect to need too many costumes for our assembly but will let you know if this changes.

We are really enjoying Art and are demonstrating excellent skills with paint and pencil. We will be moving onto printing next.

That’s all for now – we hope to give another update later on this week.

Miss Anderson and P6


PS Because it is our Assembly fortnight and we have  a few days off, the homework handed out tomorrow will be for the following Friday (20th Feb). This will allow all children to enjoy their time off and have a bit of spare time to learn words for our assembly.

One Reply to “Primary 6 Meetings”

  1. Hi p6 it is LEyla from p7 we start to have a class meeting yesterday and today we talk about lots of stuff

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