What were we learning?
To recognise and use alliteration.
How would we know if we were successful?
- We would be able to explain what ‘alliteration’ is.
- We would be able to identify examples of alliteration from our class novel.
- We could create our own examples of alliteration.
What did we do?
- We looked at examples of famous names (Minnie Mouse) and tongue twisters (Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers). We noticed that most parts of these started with the same letter (alliteration).
- We listened carefully for examples in our class novel and were able to talk about these.
- We created our own Viking names using alliteration.
Another reminder that the Primary 3 assembly is on Friday 9th November at 9.15am. We look forward to seeing you there!
Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂