In Primary 7 this term we learned about Queen Esther saving her people from Haman’s evil plan. Watch the video and see what happens.Primary 7 purim The password is Primary 7
It’s Eco Week!
This week we will be learning a lot about our school grounds and tidying up our local community!
Throughout the week every class are taking on eco challenges and there are three big events happening;
Wednesday – tree planting in the school driveway and around the BMX track with staff and students from the Oatridge campus of the Scottish Agricultural College
Thursday– National Spring Clean when we are joined by the Environmental Wardens to pick up litter in Pumpherston and Uphall Station
Friday – Orchard Day! We will be planting our new Community orchard with Fruitful Schools and a team from News International who sponsored this as a competition prize in The Scottish Sun newspaper.
primary 4
Today we talked about all of the things we had learned this term and the things that we had enjoyed the most. This term our favourite things have been: the P4 Benchball Festival, tasting lots of different types of foods for our Food topic, using Sum Dog and maths games/challenges to help us learn different skills in maths, learning how to write different types of poems and creating art work in the style of different artists.  We also really enjoyed learning all about Easter with Mrs Hull.
We hope everybody has a lovely Easter holiday see you all soon.
Jordan and Primary 4
P3 Off to Egypt
New date for Orchard Day!
We can confirm that the date for our Orchard planting with News International and Fruitful Schools will take place on Friday 19th April 2013. Please contact the school office if you are able to help. We’d like as many helpers as possible to make this a true Community Orchard! Come along and join the fun from 9.30 am.
Primary 6
This week P6 have been practising a play for our assembly about the Titanic.  We know our parts now!  We also finished our homework task to make our own model of the Titanic.
We had a rehearsal for our Easter assembly for next week. Today we have been designing Easter eggs to decorate the hall.  Miss McLennan thinks they are fantastic!
We have also been playing maths champion to try to beat the p7s in a challenge next week. Â
By Holly Birrell and Shea McEwan
P5 Weekly News
P5 have been busy practising for the Easter Service which is on Tuesday 26th March at 10am. This is the first time our brass instrument pupils have performed for the school and for parents. They gave P5 a performance on Tuesday morning with Miss Foster and they were very good. We do hope you can come along to the Easter Service to hear them!
This week it was parents night and the children reported back that their parents were pleased with all their hard work. Well done P5 and keep this up!
Severe Weather
Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School and Nursery class are expected to be open as usual tomorrow. Please listen to local media for further updates.
P5 Red Nose Day Job Swap
Friday was a great day with lots of children doing Mrs Campbell’s job! It started with Mr Campbell and Miss Sweeney both from P1 who were in to teach maths. After break we had Miss Mackie from P7 who was doing the spelling tests and also Miss Gillies who was helping with the weekly reflections. We had P5 pupils who were out doing other jobs! Some were being the janitor, some were teaching in a variety of classes and one was being Mrs Nicolls for the morning. It was a fun way to raise so much money for charity.