Primary 6 Poets

P6 have been writing poems in the style of poet Charles Causley’s ‘As I went down Zig Zag’.  Here are some examples of our favourite stanzas:

As I went down Zig Zag

The clock striking two,

I saw a man bouncing

Like a purple kangaroo.

As i went down Zig Zag

The clock striking eight,

I saw a bike which ate 

A sparkly chocolate cake.

By Zoe Evans

As I went down Zig Zag

The clock striking one

I saw a man dancing

When the party was done.

As I went down zig zag

The clock striking three

I saw an old lady drinking

Tea in the sea. 

By Connor Ramsay

As I went down Zig Zag

The clock striking eight,

I saw a boy going

For a long skate.

As I went down Zig Zag

The clock striking nine,

I saw a girl singing

A nursery rhyme.

By Ellie Hamilton

More to follow …

Eco Club off for one week

There will be no meeting of the Eco  club this week (Thu 16th May) as all the teachers will be at a training meeting.  The Club will be back again next week so don’t forget!

In the meantime, Eco People, your challenge is to take some Eco Action at home and post news of it on the Blog!

P6 Update

We were glad to have a long holiday weekend after all our hard work practising for our Titanic play last week.  It went really well and we’re all really proud of ourselves.  Miss McLennan definitely was too!

This week in Primary 6 we have been very busy with our Health Week activities.

Here’s what we got up to…

  • Rhythmic gymnastics
  • Kurling
  • Relaxation – visualisation
  • Netball
  • Healthy diaries
  • Football training
  • Healthy pizzas
  • Playground games
  • Potted sports.

We have enjoyed the week and we’re ready for more hard work next week!

Health Week With P5

It has been an unusual week this week because we have been busy doing a variety of activities for Health Week.  On Friday all of the children enjoyed being in their houses and taking part in the potted sports.  On Thursday they enjoyed making pizza monsters with Mrs Andison, doing gymnastics and football skills with the man from the SFA. It has been a very busy and fun week but they are looking forward to working  hard next week!

Meet the School Sunflower!

Today at Eco club Mrs Hull introduced Fergus, the new School Sunflower.  We are taking part in the Sunflower Challenge run by Rural connect and will be looking after Fergus and hoping he will grow taller than any other sunflower in a West Lothian School.  Today’s challenge was putting him in a bigger pot as he had outgrown the pot he was put in only 2 weeks ago!   He has been gently tethered to the side of the building.  Please wave to him as you go by in the morning and have a look at how tall he is – but please DON’T TOUCH as he is very fragile!

At 4pm today he measured 1 metre tall – can anyone estimate when he will reach the same height as Miss Speirs?

Primary 2

The children have been using play scripts in drama.  We used The Gingerbread Man and the children had fun in role as the characters.   In science we learned about friction using cars and a variety of ramps and in art we explored sculpture.  We looked at the different materials that were used to make sculptures, what inspired the creations and got some ideas for our own creations.

This week is Health Week.  Please remember to bring outdoor and indoor gym kit as well as a bottle of water and healthy snacks.

Primary 4

This week we started to learn about our new topic Australia.  We found Australia on the world map and looked at where it was in distance from Scotland.   We then used an Atlas to help us complete a map of Australia.  We searched the internet to find out some facts about both Australia and Scotland.  We discovered that Australia had a much higher population than Scotland.  We then used our maths skills to find the difference between the population of Australia and Scotland.  There are around 18 million more people in Australia than in Scotland!

Craft for Enterprise After-school Club

After our successful sale at the end of last term, the club are pleased to announce they made £40.59 profit.

We have decided to use this money to buy new materials for our next sale.  Following a long discussion we agreed to spend most of our money on ‘Fimo’ and we are currently busy making new crafts each Monday.

Thank you again to all those who visited our stall, we hope you liked our crafts.

Primary 5 Camp

Primary 5 had a fantastic time at Fordell Firs in Fife. They experienced lots of different activities and worked really well together to support each other.  They were a credit to the school. I am sure they have told you about all the activities they did!

Fire Start visit P6

We had a visit from four firemen yesterday.  They reminded us all about the top fire hazards in the home and what to do in the event of a fire.  They told us mnemonic to help us remember the things we need to say when we call 999.  I wonder if anyone knows what the letters stand for?


The firemen had an emergency call while they were in our class and had to rush away!  We could see from the playground how quickly they needed to get ready and in the engine.

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