Sadly we had to postpone our Community Litter Pick today due to the extreme wet weather. A new date will be announced shortly. Thank you to everyone who offered support!
Primary 7 Reflections
In primary 7 we talked about which lessons we learned best, here are some examples:
- Elli said the spelling scrabble game because we had to time ourselves and it was fun.
- Sophie said she became more confident with calculating time durations during maths.Â
We were all really proud on Wednesday in P.E as we had a great game of Benchball where everyone showed good sportsmanship.
Liam and Elli
P1 Reflective Learning
In Primary 1 we have been learning new sounds.
We have already learned…
‘P’ – is pink and we use our lips
‘A’ – is black and we use our tunnel
‘S’ – is light blue and is a quiet tongue sound
‘C’ – is yellow and is a throat sound
‘M’ – is red and we use our lips
See if YOU can remember all of the sounds and colours we learned this week.
Good luck.. We’ll be testing you!
Primary 1 & Miss McLaughlin
Wanted: Willing Wombles! Community Litter Pick next week
Our big Autumn Litter pick, out in the villages of Pumpherston and Uphall Station, will take place next Thursday morning(Sept 19th). We would like to have as many of our friends and families taking part as possible – if you have an hour or so to spare come and join in with the classes as they tidy up the local area.The first groups will leave the school at 9.15am.
We’ll be out and about on the streets and in the parks. Members of WLC NETS team will be with us to give training, lend equipment and hand out the bright yellow vests we wear to show we’re all Keeping Scotland Beautiful. If you can help please contact the office and we’ll match you up with a group on the day. Thank you!
P6 weekly blog
We are all pleased to be back to school and we are looking forward to all of the new things we will be learning this term. Our topic this term is the Jacobites. We are hoping to go on a school trip to the Water of Leith Visitor Centre in Edinburgh  to find out more about the Jacobites!
RME in Primary 4
Primary 4 have been learning about artefacts from the Jewish synagogue.
Primary 7
This week P7 have went back in time to the 20th century to learn about a part of history…
Can you guess where we went?
Here are some clues:
H.M.S. Dreadnought
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
France, Britain & Russia.
We hope you can figure out what our topic is.
Please leave a comment so we know if you have worked it out.
News from the eco committee.
On the 23rd of September a important lady is coming to the school to see if our school is eco enough for the green flag.In our meeting on Tuesday we were talking about what we are going to do clean up around our school grounds, the suds pond and the school garden for our action plan this year. P5 have been doing ground force and they have been trying their hardest to keep our school grounds as clean as posible. P6 have been doing litter picking.
Any parents or friends of the school who would like to help with weeding, digging or planting this year would be very welcome. Please contact Mrs Hull at the school.
Thank you.
Nursery Garden News
This afternoon the children in the Nursery were finding out how the carrots, onions, peas and potatoes they planted in the Spring had grown over the Summer. Here are the results!
Orchard report 21 Aug. 13
The orchard is looking great, although there are no apples yet. One tree has been damaged over the summer, it looks like rabbits have been there. The grass has grown longer in the holidays with lots of clover. Primary 7 found a couple of 4 leafed clovers when we were litter picking.                                                 Holly and Amy Primary 7.