Primary 4

This week in Science, Primary 4 have enjoyed learning about the organs of the human body. We looked at the position of the heart, lungs, brain, liver, kidneys and intestines and described the important jobs that they do.

We have also been working hard in Maths to develop our division skills. We know that we can use our times tables to find the answers and draw pictures to help us. There are lots of great games online to allow you to practise your division skills at home. Click on the links to play Division Mine and Maths Magician.

P5 Passover

In RME this week we were learning about the Seder meal, the special meal Jewish people have to celebrate Passover. We had a pretend Seder meal in class. We tasted some of the traditional foods which each remind us of part of the Passover story.  Matzah (crackers) and Charoset (chopped apple) were yummy, the horse radish was more of a challenge.


“We learned what to do when you’re being bullied from Childline” (Jordan)

“In P.E we got peer assessed and we self assessed how good we are in tennis” (Sophie)

” In maths we were finding partners for fractions and decimals” (Rebecca)

“In reading the red group were summarising and creating a new text about spiders” (Connor)

“In French we were learning how to say the weather in French for example cold – le frevo” (Shea)

P6 Weekly Blog

This week we have been drawing pictures about all of the sports which will feature in the Commonwealth Games which will be held in Glasgow  in July.  We produced our best work and we hope some will be selected to appear in the athletes village. Next week we will put up some of our finished entries for you to see.

We started our football training with Greg from Broxburn United Football Club. He is helping us all to lead a healthy lifestyle by making sure we eat healthily and take regular excercise.  We were doing  sit ups and wall presses to improve our personal fitness.  We have been given fitness homework to help us improve our levels of fitness.

This Friday Eilidh, Jamie Lee and Niamh will be taking part in the gymnastics display which will be held at 11.45. Good luck girls!

P7 are on Didbook!

Busy on the Netbooks!

Primary 7 have been busy updating their new Didbook profiles.  Didbook has taken over from our reflective diaries where we can think and write about our learning.  W e created targets last week and are all trying hard to achieve them.

Primary 5 learn about animal adaptations

Science/Health & Wellbeing

This week we have been learning about animal adaptation and how certain features help animals survive in their habitat. For example a polar bear has hairy paws to stop slipping on ice. They also have tiny ears to stop their eardrums from freezing. We worked in group sto create a booklet about certain animals – here are a few photos.


As we enjoyed creating our booklets we decided to write a short report about our animal. We had to include 2 paragraphs. The first paragraph included 3 facts about the animal and the second paragraph included 3 facts about the animal’s adaptations. We then read a partner’s work and gave peer feedback.


This week we started a new maths topic – addition and subtraction. We have all been reminding ourselves of the number bonds to 20 by playing games. We have also been adding on lots of ten to bigger numbers using mental strategies and the empty number line strategy. We have also been able to take away lots of ten from bigger numbers. We know that we have to start at the beginning of the line for adding questions and the end of the line for subtraction questions. Next week we will continue to work on this.


We were very excited this morning when we got to start using Didbook. Didbook is like a reflection diary but stored online (securely). We can update our Didbook diaries from home by visiting and using our school email address to log in. Miss Anderson is already looking forward to reading and commenting on our entries.

That’s all from us – hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Anderson and P5 🙂

P1 & P1/2 Outdoor Language

This week, the Red & Blue groups have been taking their work outdoors! We have been playing ‘Spell a Snowman’ – a game which helps us learn our common words! We usually play it on our own with our jotters, but this time we worked as a team! We each were given a common word and if we spelled it correctly, we got to build a piece of our snowman. The first team to build their snowman wins!

The Yellow group are still waiting to play ‘Spell a Snowman’. The Red & Blue groups had some ideas for how they could do well at the game!

‘They could take their common words from their homework folder and maybe practise them at home.’ Abigail

Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 are looking forward to more outdoor learning with sounds!

Primary 3 football

Primary 3 finished their 5 week course today of football skills with James from Broxburn United Sports Club. During the 5 weeks, primary 3 learned the importance of being healthy and fit and also how important it is to offer encouragement to your team mates. Today all the class received medals to take home for all their hard work over the last few weeks.

P6 Weekly Blog

Well done to Ciaran and James who were picked to recite their poems at the Scots assembly. Well done also to Dolce, Hollie, Liam and Eilidh who gave a super performance when performing ‘Strip the Willow’ with the P7 dancers. It was a super afternoon which we all enjoyed. We hope the senior citizens who attended enjoyed it as much as we did!

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