Thursday was a special day

Children, staff, family members, friends and the community joined together on 15th May to remember Miss Martin, a dearly loved teacher who sadly passed away in November. Miss Martin was a very well respected teacher who dedicated 41 years of her career to the school and made many friends along the way. A special tree has been planted at the front of the school as a memorial to Miss Martin. She is missed by all.

Jump Rope Reminder

Please return your sponsor money and your sponsor form.

More than 20 children have already returned their sponsor forms and sponsor money and the total so far is £484! Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed to this great cause.   If you haven’t handed yours back yet, please bring your form and money in as soon as possible so we can send the money off the help the British Heart Foundation.

Disasters All Round

Once again this week has been another busy week for Primary 5. We have had lots of different events including an exciting concert on Tuesday! We were lucky enough to be visited by the girlband 5Angels – what fantastic singers!

Our literacy focus this week has been poetry, and in particular the poems of Grace Nicols. We learned key vocabulary (personification, metaphor, stanza, verse) and talked about how poems make readers feel emotional. We also did a few freeze frames in role – can you guess what we were acting as?

Standing by the door, like a real little muggins, wanting to stay out, yet wanting to come in

In maths this week we all practised our times tables. Some of us know all the times tables to 10! We need to continue to develop this as next week we will move onto division and then fractions later in the term.

Disaster Island now has a family who are holidaying. They are Darren (the dad), Anna (the daughter/sister), Liam (the son/brother) and Meety the sausage dog. They are visiting Grandpa Joe, who lives on Disaster Island. We have learned about Tsunamis and will be learning about Volcanoes. Here is a photo of our family.

Photo credit: Sophie

We also took part in the memorial service for Miss Martin. We feel that this was a lovely way to remember her and look forward to seeing her tree grow big and strong.

We are working very hard on our assembly and everyone has created an invitation to take home. If you are a parent/carer of a P5 pupil and have not received an invite please ask your child to check that they have completed this.

We are all looking forward to the Bank Holiday on Monday and we hope that everyone remembers to stay safe.

Miss Anderson and P5


P7 are having a ball at Dalguise! Forest hikes, Giant swings, abseiling, to name a few. Everyone has slept, eaten well and had showers!!  We have lots more pictures and stories to share with you tomorrow.

Primary 6 weekly blog

Last week we were meeting our new buddies in the Nursery.  We will be spending time this term making friends with them and helping them prepare for Primary 1.

We enjoyed the Jump Rope for Heart on Friday 9th May.  We really enjoyed the never-ending circle of skipping.  Remember to bring in your sponsor form with the money as soon as you can so we can send it to the British Heart Foundation.

We went bowling at Pumpherston Bowling club and had the chance to bowl on the green there.  This trip was part of our topic which is Our Community.   We have been finding out about different clubs in our community for our class talks.  The Golf Club, Martial arts clubs and dancing clubs are some of the community clubs we have learned about.  Are you a member of a local club? If you think we should know about it, speak to one of Primary 6!

Jump Rope Report

What a fantastic effort everyone put in to their hopping, skipping and jumping today at our Jump Rope for Heart event!

Top skippers on the 30 second challenge included Bailey, Jay, John-Paul, Josh, Mrs Mooney, Jessica, Courtney, Lewis, Cameron, Ben, Jamie-Lee, Josh and Amy.

Well done to everyone for all your hard work, I know you got your hearts working harder today with all that exercise. The weather was very kind to us, with the first drops of rain waiting until we were ready to pack up the ropes!

Thank you to Primary 6 for all their help in organising the rota, writing the letters to give out, and supervising the different activity stations today.

The next job will be to collect in the sponsor forms and sponsor money! Please return your sponsor form and money raised as soon as you can (perhaps when you get your breath back?) and we’ll blog the total raised when we have it.

Mrs Hull

Primary 4

It has been a short week but Primary 4 have still been very busy.

Demi: This week I enjoyed playing tennis in P.E. I learned how to a forehand shot. You need to get the racket and hit the ball from low to high.

Shannon: I enjoyed learning about the water cycle because I didn’t know that water was used over and over again.

Joshua: I liked Science this week because I learned that water can turn into a gas when you make it hot.

Ella: I enjoyed Science because I didn’t know that we are probably still drinking the same water as the dinosaurs did.

Hannah: I enjoyed PE with Ms Pender because I learned how jump far.

Rory: I enjoyed doing Maths this week because I like learning about fractions. I learnt what a tenth was.

Courtney: I enjoyed doing Maths this week and learning about tenths, thirds and fifths.

Lydia: I liked when we were doing skipping because it was fun to get out and about in the fresh air.

Callum: I enjoyed the sponsored skip because it was a lot of fun and it gave me lots of energy.

We are all looking forward to getting started on our new interdisciplinary topic next week!

Do Billionaires need Friends?

This week we have been thinking about our reading and how we can ask powerful questions to learn more. We read an abridged version of Billionaire Boy by David Walliams and then worked in groups to create and answer powerful questions. A good way to know if a question is powerful is if it makes you think rather than remember. Here are a few examples of our powerful questions.

1. How would the story change if the main character was a girl?

2. What would life be like if the main character had a friend?

3. If the main character had one friend do you think he would want another?

4. What would be different if the main character had no money?

All of these questions made us think about the answer – we couldn’t just say yes or no.

We have also started our topic about natural disasters called Disaster Island. We are not quite sure what type of thing happens on Disaster Island, but it probably isn’t good! We’ll keep you up to date…

In maths this week we have been continuing with number work. The pyramids have been partitioning numbers that have hundreds, tens and units and comparing the pictorial form, written form and expanded form. The Spheres and Cuboids have been continuing to identify and continue number patterns and using function machines to add on in hundreds and tens. This has been quite challenging to start with but we all got there in the end and will continue to work hard on developing these skills. Next week the Pyramids will be counting up in tens and hundreds and matching digits to number words. The Spheres and Pyramids will be balancing sums and subtractions and using letters to represent numbers.

We still have our P5 Rocks display – with lots of samples to examine. If you have any examples of rocks that you find we would be interested in examining them and classifying them.

That’s all from us this week – hope you all have a lovely weekend. Remember we love to read comments about our learning so please leave us a message.

Miss Anderson and Primary 5


This week has been a very short one but we have been very busy learning all about time and how people in the past used the sun, moon and stars to tell the time.  We are learning how to tell the time on a clock face.  We are so keen to learn how to tell the time we want to play with the clocks and challenge each other at every opportunity – even in soft start and free play times.  Ask me what I have learned.

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