The New Primary 7

Primary 7 walked into school on Tuesday looking extremely smart in their new uniforms.  They have already taken on some of their new responsibilities around the school with great confidence.


Liam is Maths Champion for this week.

The Purple group were learning to add decimals and they all feel confident about doing this.

The Green group were working on adding several numbers together using different strategies. They are confident about this skill and getting better at explaining their methods.

In the Orange group they were practising to work with negative numbers linked to temperature.  They feel confident about this too.


In writing today P7 were learning to write an application form to be a wet playtime monitor.  We filled in a real form for the job and hope we are successful in our first choice of class. This is a very important skill to have for when we are applying for a job, college or university.

School Rules

We looked closely at the school rule ‘We work hard and let others learn’.  We illustrated how this rule looks in our school and thought about what might happen if it didn’t exist.

A good first day back

Welcome back to school!

Today we have settled back into our school routine very well. We all had a great day and hope the new P1s did too. Here are a few of our comments about the day.

It was good seeing my friends that I didn’t see in a long time. Everyone was getting on well. Ryan

It was good to see everyone at school and to see everyone work hard on the first day. Jordan

It was good to be back and good to work. Ann

It’s good to be back because I get to see all my friends again. Sophie

Typed by Shay

Jump Rope for Heart

We have counted up the sponsor money and Mrs Hull is VERY proud to announce that the Jump Rope for Heart event raised over £1283!! Thank you very much to EVERYONE who contributed to the success of this event.

The British Heart Foundation have said we can keep 20% of the money raised to buy playground equipment, to keep us fit and active with healthy hearts.  This will be £256.64! (Miss Speirs and the Pupil Council will discuss how to spend it in the next school year.)

We have sent a cheque to the British Heart Foundation for the fantastic sum of £1026.56! This will do a great deal of good work on fighting heart disease and teaching more emergency first aid throughout Great Britain.  Well done everyone and THANK YOU!

Loom Band Crazy

Today at playtime some of us held a Loom Band stall. We had made lots and lots of bands but we didn’t have enough to meet demand. We have taken orders and are going to be busy over the weekend and early next week. Everyone who ordered a band should receive their band by Tuesday at the latest.

We raised over £20! Well done to everyone involved.

Fingers crossed for a sunny weekend – remember sun cream!

Miss Anderson and P5


We have a new fruit stall on the P4 decking. Josh thinks that it is nice that we have a fruit stall. Jack H likes the fact that everyone in the class has a job. Amber likes that the fruit is juicy. Lewis P likes the green grapes. The fruit stall is getting busier and busier! The bananas are 30p, as are the oranges and apples. The grapes are 45p.

In other news we have been learning about the Commonwealth games. There are 53 nations involved, 16 of these nations share the same Queen as us! The foxes made a booklet about the Commonwealth games. We also learned a little about the World Cup and made leaflets.

In Maths we learned how to use kitchen scales and how to weigh lots of different things. We weighed potatoes and items that we found in school.

On Monday we learned how to play rugby with jack the rugby coach. On Wednesday we had Sports Day. Our class medals were won by;

Gold – Kadan and Joshua
Ella, Hannah and Courtney

Silver – Louisa, Hannah and Ella
Lewis C, Callum, Jack R

Bronze – Kadan, Callum and Craig
Louisa, Donatella and Amber

Well done to everyone who took part – we all did a super job!

In writing this week we learned how to write a CV (or a curriculum Vitae). A CV is important when you are applying for a job because the employer has to see what kind of person you are.

It was also the Beach Disco this week – most of us rated it 10/10!

P6 Weekly Blog

Well done to Molly Gillies who was picked as the Star Writer this month.

The standard of the last piece of imaginative writing in P6 was fantastic! Well done to everyone for their hard work.  Molly, Hollie and Finlay B were picked to read their writing to the whole school at assembly last week.

Le collection de juin 2014

Primary 4 were looking très chic today as we held a class fashion show in French.  We were showing how much we have learned about the french words for clothes and colours.  Each of us had to describe what our partner was wearing as they posed on the cat walk.  Thank you to Miss Speirs and Mrs Hailstones for coming along to watch (and joining in!).  Photos by Aidan who was our fashion photographer today.

Au revoir!

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