P6 Land Proposal Models

As part of our topic this term, P6 have been investigating the local area and analysing its strengths and areas for development. Based on the research they carried, the children worked in pairs to come up with a proposal for something that could be added to Pumpherston and Uphall Station to improve the local area. Suggestions included additional parking, a new play park and a Community Centre.

After writing persuasive letters about their proposals, the children worked in pairs to create 3D models of their proposals. Have a look at some of them in the photographs below.


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Parent Council

Thank you to those that came along to our parent council meet last night. We had 5 parents turn out along with Miss Morrison and myself.  We discussed what a Parent Council is for and what we could do to engage with more parents.

The Parent Council will be taking some of their ideas forward over the next weeks so please, look out for this information and consider how you can contribute to your child’s schooling.

P3 Weekly Blog

Last week we were selecting a variety of percussion instruments and we worked in groups to create a sound track for one of the weather themed pictures. Here are some of the pictures showing us creating our soundtracks.

Primary 2/3 Learning

We have had a very busy week this week with lots going on inside and outside.

Daniel – we started our Daily Mile challenge today and we are trying to beat our time each Friday.

Rosa – We all got to meet our new teacher and spend time with them.

Aaron – The P2s  got to see their class Dojo that they will use in next year in class to record points. A Dojo is a little monster character and each one is different and we get to name them.

Maja – We have been sketching and painting giant tropical fish in Art for the P7 Prom and our beach disco.

Jake – P2s started Footsal and are enjoying it so far.

Calum – We have begun learning division in Maths.

Summer – We have also been learning how to make larger amounts with coins and using our times tables in the class shop.

Josh – We are going to get a new member in our class from Monday.  We are looking forward to meeting her.

The weather has been fantastic and we have been taking our learning outside as much as possible.  Please remember to either put sun cream on your child or give them it in their bag to use as well as  a bottle of water and a hat.

Mathew – I’m really looking forward to going on my holiday to Spain at the weekend.  I will love it.

We wish you and your family a great holiday with lots of sunshine – we hope we get some too.



Summer Weather

Be aware that we will be making the most of this weather to move learning outside as appropriate. Children may need hats, suncream, etc.  Where you feel it is appropriate put suncream in your child’s bag – staff will not apply the cream for the children but will support the pupil’s independent application where necessary.


P3 Weekly Blog

Here are some of our pictures taken during our judo session which took place during Health Week.  They were expertly taken by Finlay who couldn’t take part due to a sore arm. Great fun was had by all!

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Primary 4

As the end of the school year is approaching, our Roman amphitheatre is almost ready for unveiling!

We would like to invite parents and members of the local community to come to our Roman-themed open afternoon. It will take place on Wednesday 15th June at 1.30pm.

Stuart from the West Lothian Courier will be there to take photos and speak to the school staff/children. Please let Miss McLaughlin know if you do not wish your child to participate in this.

We hope to see you there! We will be spending the next few weeks planning for the afternoon’s events!

Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

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