On Monday 20th June our nursery children participated in a graduation ceremony to prepare for moving into our Primary 1 classes next session. The children sat perfectly on the stage and loved singing songs and nursery rhymes to their parents/carers. They posed for pictures with their certificate and a book. Thank you to all parents/carers who came along to support their children.
P3 Weekly Blog
On Monday 20th of June we went to the Highland Games at Broxburn Academy. Â We did lots of activities like the sack race, football, soft javelin, hockey dribbling, hoop skipping, hurdle jumps, space hoppers, chair hoop, bean bag throw and a ladder run. Â We really enjoyed ourselves. The space hoppers were the most popular.
The Jungle Book
Tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday) pupils will enjoy a stage production of ‘The Jungle Book’ in the school hall. Â This is a chance for pupils to be an audience and enjoy a theatre production. Â It is not a pupil production for parental attendance. We hope they all enjoy it – there is no charge for this – we will pay the cost from School Fund.
Primary 2/3 Learning
Well another busy week here in P2/3 with lots of different activities going on.
Oskars -Primary 2s are still enjoying Futsal which teaches us different football skills.
Summer – P3s are looking forward to going on a trip on Monday to a Highland Games event.
Darcy – In Art we have been learning about watercolours and have been painting our own watercolour backgrounds.
Abbie – We looked at some of Claude Monet’s watercolours to get some ideas.
Maja – In Science we learned more about the watercycle.
Next week we are looking forward to seeing the production of The Jungle Book in school.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Andison and Primary 2/3
P5 explore metaphorphosis
P5 & P6 Sky Sports
P5 & P6 Sky Sports Living for Sport Day
P5 and P6 had a fun filled day at Xcite Craigswood today at the Sky Sports Living for Sports Day. They got to take part in lots of different activities including judo, football and rugby, as well as learning about healthy eating and hearing inspirational stories from professional athletes.
During the day, all the schools were given points for their behaviour, enthusiasm and teamwork and… WE WON! All the children tried their best, were respectful towards staff and some even helped clean up after lunch. They couldn’t have done a better job at representing PUSCPS and all the staff were very proud of them. Well done P5 and P6!
Here is a picture of their trophy and some action shots from the day.
BEACH DISCO this Wednesday!!
Scottish Education Awards
On Wednesday, Team Pumphy (Miss McLaughlin, Miss Young & Sarah-Jane) set off for Glasgow to attend the Scottish Education Awards.
As you know, we had been shortlisted for the ‘Parents as Partners in Learning’ award for all of the fantastic work we have undertaken with Sarah-Jane. The award covers applicants from all schools in Scotland and the standard of entries this year was unbelievably high.
We had made it to the final with two other schools : Long Calderwood Primary School and St John Ogilive High School. We were awarded the runner-up position and given £200 to go towards future projects. Congratulations to St John Ogilvie High School, who won our category. We are extremely proud of our little school for being recognised on such a grand scale. We know the work we do is fantastic and we will carry this on in the upcoming school session.
Congratulations to the other finalists from Team West Lothian – Jonathan Payne from West Calder High School (Teacher of the Year runner-up) and the Polbeth Nursery Team (Raising Attainment in Literacy runner-up).
Thanks to all parents, pupils and members of Team Pumphy for their help and support.
Miss McLaughlin 🙂
Primary 2/3 Learning
Well another lovely week has come to an end and we have been enjoying the good weather.
Today we beat last weeks time for our Daily Mile Challenge – we ran it in thirteen minutes, knocking three minutes off last week.
Maja – We have had a busy week with us all completing our CEM assessment. Some of us are happy it is over and some of us enjoyed it.
Bailey – We are still enjoying playing in the class sweet shop more often. Its great because we can use our times tables and adding and taking away money.
Gillon – I’m getting better at my 5x table using Table Mountain.
Summer – We have been learning about the water cycle in Science.
Daniel – Primary threes have begun to learn about the human body, the main organs and how they work.
Calum – I’m getting better at division because I know my 2x table better.
We hope we don’t get too much rain this weekend. Have a great one.
Mrs Andison and P2/3