P6 Weekly Update

Here is what P6 have been learning about this week, courtesy of Katie C, Lauren and another helper:

  • We made powerpoints about two battles: The Battle of Prestonpans and the Battle of Culloden. We were showing them to the class.
  • For gym this week we did hockey and basketball. In hockey we were dribbling and push passing the ball to our partner. In basketball we practised street basketball, line ball and shooting. Some people find street basketball a bit challenging.
  • For maths, we have been adding decimals mentally.
  • For language, we have been learning to read and write instructions. We wrote our own instructions on how to make a Jacobite targe (shield). You can have a look at our Jacobite targes in the picture below.

Next week P6 are going on a class trip to learn more about the Jacobites. Please remember to bring warm, waterproof clothing, wellies or waterproof walking boots and a packed lunch.

Mrs Cullum and P6


Primary 5

Let’s have a look at what Primary 5 have enjoyed learning about this week…

Charlie: ‘I enjoyed learning how to round to the nearest 100.’

Cerys: ‘I enjoyed subtracting using hundreds numbers and stealing.’

Presley: ‘I enjoyed trying to solve the murder mystery of who murdered Mary, Queen of Scots’ husband.’

Lucas: ‘I enjoyed taking away using chimney sums.’

Lauren: ‘I enjoyed mixing colours to paint my portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots.’

Boe: ‘I enjoyed discussing the murder mystery with my group and using evidence to solve it.’

Lachlan: ‘I enjoyed getting 40/40 two weeks in a row for Big Maths.’

James: ‘I enjoyed building my model market stall.’

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Working together on research

This week the Primary 4’s have been working really hard to find out more about the Vikings.  They chose a group and aspect of Vikings to research and developed open Higher Order Thinking Skills questions.  Now they are completing research to find out more about the Vikings and share this with the rest of the class.  The children worked really well together using each others strengths to get the most from their time.

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Families Learning Together – Sharing Learning with P2-P7

Remember our first Sharing Learning drop-in is tomorrow from 11am 12pm.   You will have a chance to speak with your child about their learning and look at the work they are producing.  The help sheet below will be available to help you get the most from your session.

It has questions you might ask and ideas for recording in the child’s work your comments on the learning.

If you have not already returned the slip from the invite please do so ASAP so that we know who to expect at 11am – especially if the person attending is not someone we already know. Alternatively you could call or send in a note.

Steven Eagleson

Click here to download a copy of the learning dialogue help sheet. 2016-10-07-flt-parent-help-sheet-and-target-setter

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 finished their portraits of Mary, Queen of Scots.

We had been learning about the different ways that we could apply paint (dabbing, scratching, swirling brush strokes) and how to create highlights/shadows. We were trying to create the most detailed pictures we could. What do you think? Which Mary is most marvellous?


Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂


P 2 / 3 Weekly Blog

We have been learning all about mummification!

When ancient Egyptians  died they made them into a mummy ready for the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians believed there was an afterlife after you died.

Primary 1

Isla: We wrote a story about the magic hat. I can write mat and rat by myself.

Sorley: We looked at some old toys. I got to bring my mums toy record player to school.

Lewis:   We sorted old and new toys.

Anastasia. We were throwing and catching. I got the beanbag through the hoop.

P6’s Weekly Update

This week’s update comes from Hallie, Katie C and Lauren:

  • We learnt how to make movies on iMovie using the iPads and posted the movies on the school blog.
  • We were learning badminton with Mrs McConville. We tried to set our high scores and we played a game at the end.
  • I think we have been doing well as a class in Big Maths Beat That because we always have some people beating their high scores.
  • This week we have been learning basketball with Ms Pender. Some of us did street basketball, which is a fast moving game. You have to pass the ball three times then you can dribble and shoot. The other groups have been doing line ball and practising their shooting.
  • Katie C, Mya, Ewen, Matthew and Logan went to a Cross Country competition. First, we walked around the course and everyone was hoping they wouldn’t have to go first! The boys went first and Ewen came 4th, Matthew came 7th and Logan came 16th. Then the girls raced and Katie C came 4th and Mya fell but got up and kept going to come 17th.

Mrs Cullum and P6



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