This week in P4

We have been to learning about Science and experiments and magnets.  We are planning to carry out experiments with magnets like; how fast they move something, what materials do they stick to, will they stick in water and more.  We have planned these experiments in pairs and are going to carry them out next week, look out for the results!

In writing, we have been learning about descriptive language.  We created scary stories  and they were so scary we jumped!  It was good fun.

In Maths we have been working on 2D shapes, we have been thinking of ways to remember them and their names.  We worked in our talking partners. We had a 2D shape quiz and we were in groups with team leaders, we had to choose the right answer.

We have also been sending a small group with Mrs Comrie, we have been learning about square numbers, numbers under zero and maths magic.

We have just started using the Red and Blue Reading boxes.  Everyone has their own level at their ability.  We are looking forward to using them because we work independently and get to mark our work.

What is bullying?

Pumphie Pals this week looked at bullying.  This term we’re launching our NOT IN OUR SCHOOL programme to help pupils deal with bullying.  We will be seeking views from home on this tricky subject later.

Dress Down Day



Yes Spongebob. Yes it is.

Tomorrow is the last Friday of the month. By long-standing tradition this is “Dress-Down Day” at PUSCPS. Children may wear non-uniform but no football colours or strips.

Dress-Down Day usually involves pupils bringing a small donation to charity. Often £1. This helps pupils learn the importance of thinking of others before ourselves. A hugely important part of learning to be a responsible citizen of the world.

We select charities based on pupil interest and suggestions from home. If there is a charity particularly close to your heart you would like to nominate, please let us know. Last year we supported a pregnancy charity, an Alzheimer’s charity and Jak’s Den because of suggestions from our community. We regularly support our partner school in Magale, Uganda.

Tomorrow’s Dress-Down Day is just for fun no donation is required.

many thanks,

Steven Eagleson


P3 Learning

” I have been learning about division.  I think it’s going well!” (Mathew)

” I was drawing my haunted house picture to help me with writing a story setting.” (Ava B)

“I have been picking autumn leaves as a homework challenge to make a piece of art like the story ‘Leaf Man” (Darcy)

“I have been learning my 2 and 5 x table and starting to divide.” (Calum)

Hallowe’en Discos

A huge thank you to our amazing PSFA for their organisation of tonight’s discos.

There was a great turnout and pupils had a wonderful time.

Thanks to everyone for their efforts

Steven Eagleson.

Primary 3

We hope you have enjoyed our puppet shows so far.  Everyone worked really hard while developing lots of new skills in reading and writing.  Well done to all!

Here is the last one:



Online Learning Journals


Our nursery and P1 Online Learning Journals are now live.  You have received information on how to log in.

We hope you enjoy sharing your child’s learning through these journals and login regularly to view, share and discuss what your child is learning and the progress they are making.

We especially like comments from home being added to build a fuller picture of your child’s learning and life.

If you are having difficulty accessing the Journals please speak to your child’s teacher or Miss Morrison at school.

We will be providing further information in a few weeks to be sure that everyone is comfortable using the system.

P3 Puppet Shows

P3 have been working on writing scripts and creating character for a puppet show.  We filmed them and you can see the results on our Vimeo site by clicking the videos below.


Primary 4 working together

Primary 4 have been working very hard in groups and today we demonstrated how much we can get done when we work as a group.  The children had limited time to complete their posters and they had to work together and focus on the task if they wanted to complete it.

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Unfortunately there were a few people absent today but all the children have been involved in this task.  They have done some fabulous research and have displayed their information in the form of posters.  Well done P4.

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