November newsletter
The November newsletter is available on the blog by clicking this link. Â Click here to go to the newsletters
This has also been emailed to all. Â If you have requested a paper copy, this will be in your child’s bag.
P7 numeracy films – Multiples and Factors
P2/ 3 weekly blog
What do we know about 2d shapes?
Primary 7
This week we have been working on division using the bus stop method. Please continue to work with your child at home to improve recall of times tables as this helps them with their division facts.
A reminder that the P7 Remembrance Assembly will take place on Tuesday the 8th of November. Please arrive at 2.00 pm ready to be seated in time for the performance which will begin at 2.15 pm.
Thank you
Mrs Mooney
Primary 5
This week, Primary 5 have been extending their knowledge of 3D shapes. In Primary 4, we learned that 2D shapes could make 3D nets and ‘skeletons’. So, we decided to use our knowledge of shape properties to create some more. Here are some of the shapes we created:
We did run into a problem – although we had the correct number of faces, edges and vertices, we couldn’t make our shapes join accurately. So, we thought about why this might be. We realised how important it is to measure shape edges and re-made our designs using accurate measurements. This meant our ‘skeletons’ would join together easily and we could add tabs to our nets to glue them.
Next week, we are going to be looking at angles. Check in with us to see what we have learned.
Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂
Primary 3
P3’s Seasonal Science Focus this year is ‘Trees’. We have been noticing lots of changes at this time of year.
We read a book called Leaf Man and decided to make our own autumn art using materials from nature. It was okay to use these leaves as they had fallen from the trees. We even found lots of small living things in amongst our leaves like insects and baby snails!
Primary 1/2
In Science this week, we have been learning about the sun and the earth. Primary 1 drew pictures of the sun after looking at photographs of the sun in space. Primary 2 drew a picture of the sun and the earth, showing how the earth turns to make day and night.
The day after our Halloween disco, we imagined what we might see inside a spooky house and wrote a story at writing time.
In Maths this week, we have been learning how to tell the time. We took a big clock outside to help us play ‘What’s the time, Mr Wolf?’ in the playground and we tried our best to match different clock faces to the correct times as quickly as we could.
This week in P4
We have been to learning about Science and experiments and magnets. Â We are planning to carry out experiments with magnets like; how fast they move something, what materials do they stick to, will they stick in water and more. Â We have planned these experiments in pairs and are going to carry them out next week, look out for the results!
In writing, we have been learning about descriptive language.  We created scary stories  and they were so scary we jumped!  It was good fun.
In Maths we have been working on 2D shapes, we have been thinking of ways to remember them and their names. Â We worked in our talking partners. We had a 2D shape quiz and we were in groups with team leaders, we had to choose the right answer.
We have also been sending a small group with Mrs Comrie, we have been learning about square numbers, numbers under zero and maths magic.
We have just started using the Red and Blue Reading boxes. Â Everyone has their own level at their ability. Â We are looking forward to using them because we work independently and get to mark our work.
What is bullying?
Pumphie Pals this week looked at bullying. Â This term we’re launching our NOT IN OUR SCHOOL programme to help pupils deal with bullying. Â We will be seeking views from home on this tricky subject later.