Magnetic Metals in P4

We have been learning about magnets.  The magnets have a North and South Pole and if you put North and North together they repel each other which means they push away from each other.  If you put opposite poles together they attract each other which means they stick together.

We also did experiments and found out that even if there is something in the way like a piece of plastic, the metal can still stick to the magnet.  We tested whether magnets work under water, we thought it wouldn’t work but it did.  We tested how close an object had to be to stick the magnet, the furthest away the metal could be was 4cm.

We also thought about where you might find magnets in everyday life.  We knew quite a few places where magnets are used to make our lives easier.  Can you think of any?


P6 Blog

P6 have started a new topic on Plants and Animals. So far, we have been learning how to classify plants and animals. We have learnt about vertebrates and invertebrates and the 5 main subgroups of vertebrates. We have also been making our own classification keys.

In maths, we have been using what we learnt last term to solve problems involving decimal fractions. We have been using mental and written strategies to subtract and multiply decimal fractions.

P6 are lucky enough to get a series of visits from West Lothian Drugs and Alcohol Service to teach us about the effects of smoking. We have had two visits so far, and have already learnt a lot, and will have one final visit next week.

Mrs Cullum and P6

Primary 7

This week was our class assembly was about WW2  , we all participated in it and we all did a fabulous job. Before we did our assembly we all made gas masks  and pin wheel poppies to wear for our assembly.Then for all the children on stage we made name tags.

We also wrote an imaginative story about a scarecrow who wanted to be real. Our main focus was describing the character and setting the scene. In maths we worked on dividing decimals by a single digit.

On Thursday we had badminton with Mrs Mooney and we played a really fast game of around the world. Surprisingly our top winner was Ella Watson, unfortunately Mrs  Mooney  didn’t win but she tried her best.

By Donatella and Courtney


Primary 1/2

Today we have been learning all about Bonfire Night and firework safety. Below are some of the rules we have learnt to keep us safe when we are watching fireworks.

‘Always stay with an adult.’ – Ruby

‘Never throw fireworks.’ – Khloe

‘Keep cats and dogs and all animals indoors.’ – Ephi

‘Stand back from fireworks.’ – Mayah

‘Don’t put sparklers too close to your face and put gloves on.’ –Emily

We watched a short video of a firework display and used what we saw to help us create some pictures. We chose different colours of paint and printed them onto the page using straws.


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Primary 1

Primary 1 have been learning how to tell the time. We can now tell o’clock times on a digital and analogue clock. We played different games to help us with our learning, like the minute game and “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?”

In Science, after learning about the Sun, we wrote some interesting facts about it and drew a picture of the Sun after looking at pictures of the Sun in space.

We have been learning how to stay safe around fireworks and drew firework pictures using pastels.


Investigating Viking Artefacts

Primary 4 have been learning about the Vikings.  We were very lucky this week to be able to investigate some real and replica Viking artefacts.  Sarah-Jane organised for the class to borrow some artefacts from the charity Archaeology Scotland.  The children really enjoyed looking at and touching the artefacts  They thought about what they might be used for, how they would be made, what they were made of and how they were found.

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Sarah-Jane told us about  being an archaeologist and showed the class some pictures of digs she had been on.


Primary 4 became history detectives – building stories about the people looking at the evidence.

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The children then did some observational drawing, looking at the artefacts and trying to draw exactly what they could see, thinking about line, pattern and shading to show the different textures and colours of the artefacts.

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Thank you to Sarah-Jane for organising this brilliant experience.

NHS Advice regarding increase in Measles cases

Measles infection in Lothian

 Measles cases have been confirmed in Lothian over the past month in teenagers and young adults.

Please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms suggestive of measles infection.


The symptoms of measles include fever, lethargy, runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough and a red, blotchy rash which starts at the head spreading over the chest and limbs. The rash generally fades within ten days.

If your child has developed symptoms suggestive of measles, you should keep your child at home and contact your General Practitioner for further advice by phone (or NHS24 if out of hours on tel. 111).

This is very important in order to avoid the spread of measles to other people.

People with measles are infectious from around five days before the rash appears until four days after the rash appears and should self isolate at home during this time.


The best protection against measles is two doses of MMR.

NHS Lothian Health Protection Team October 2016

Garden Club

Our school gardening year is coming to an end. We had a bumper crop of vegetables this year and we all had fun digging, sowing, planting, reaping, cooking and eating. Thanks to everyone who helped build beds and sheds and to all the parents and carers who bought the vegetables. We made over £80 which we will use to buy seeds and compost for next year.  We can’t  wait for the springtime to start again!
A huge thanks from everyone at school to Sara-Jane Haston who keeps us going with her enthusiasm and ideas.  The outdoor space would be nothing like it is today without her efforts.  20160831_133727 20160831_134508 20160831_135613 20160831_135620 20160831_144705 tattie-haul_aug-2016
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