Information Evening at Broxburn Academy


There will be an information evening tomorrow (Wednesday 16th) at Broxburn Academy at 6pm.  This will be a chance to hear about the school and to have a tour.  All parents of prospective Academy pupils and their P7 children are encouraged to attend.

I apologise for the late notice of this information.  It was accidentally missed off the last newsletter.

Steven Eagleson

November Dress Down Friday


Next Friday (25 November) is our monthly Dress Down for Charity day.  This month’s donations will be in support of BBC Children in Need.

The theme for this year is “Spot-tacular” and it would be great to see lots of spotty-dotty boys and girls (and adults).  If you choose to send in a donation we will send this to Children in Need to support some of the most vulnerable children in the UK and overseas.

New Blog Format


Due to an update to the system, we have had to change the format of our blog.  The information is all still the same.

On the front page you will see a selection of the most recent posts in three columns similar to a magazine.  There are a number of drop down menus at the top with information on the school and links to each classes blog posts.

Please have a look around and enjoy all of the fantastic posts from the pupils.  Any comments on their learning is always appreciated by the pupils.

Flu Vaccines

Some lovely NHS staff were in school today and administered the nasal flu vaccine to pupils in P1-P7.  This fantastic NHS programme helps our pupils be prepared for winter and reduces absence rates in school. Well done to everyone who took part.



P 2 / 3 Weekly Blog

When we were making our Ancient Egyptian houses we were learning how to work collaboratively. What does this mean?

‘ This means that we help each other’ Layla

‘ It means that we work together to make our houses’ Lewis

‘ We had to listen to everyone’s ideas’ Eve

Remembrance Sunday

Today we remember the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many in both World Wars and in other wars since. On behalf of the school I walked in the parade through Broxburn and was helped by Lewis Patterson in P7 who laid our wreath.

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Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 took control of their learning!

Our new topic is based around Democracy, so as well as deciding what we wanted to learn, we planned how we wanted to learn too! Miss McLaughlin gave us the skills we would be focusing on, so we tried to come up with ways in which we could achieve them!

Here is what we came up with:

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Now, Miss McLaughlin will put the ideas together and build our Democracy topic! Check in to see how we get on.

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Remembrance Sunday


Just a reminder that tomorrow is Remembrance Sunday. There is a parade planned from Broxburn Church by the Swimming Pool leaving at 1:15. This ends at Strathbrock Centre where the service will be held at the War Memorial at approximately 2pm. I will lay a wreath on behalf of the school. It would be great to see you there.

Regards, Steven Eagleson

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