Primary 7

This week we  did maths.In maths we where converting  units of measurements. This will help us in our own time.The class found links from out side school and that shows our understanding of measurements.

This week for PE we played  badminton. In badminton we were learning how to serve and have a rally.At the end we played around the world.It was boys vs girls and the girls won 8 to 5.

On Wednesday  we went to watch the  Aladdin Panto at  Broxburn Academy.

We began making Reindeer Dust for the Xmas Fayre and we also started our Christmas art to decorate the hall.

In Literacy we explored setting and the meaning of words through a Michael Morpurgo book called Coming Home.

by Shannon and Olivia

Primary 4’s week

We have been practising our assembly this week. Our assembly is about Growth Mindset. There are two kinds of mindsets – a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.  We want to develop our growth mindset in Primary 4. We found qualities that would help us to have a growth mindset and we would like to share all our learning with the school.  Some of us have been learning poems to share, we have made posters, we have some actors learning parts for drama sketches, we have people who have to learn words to narrate our assembly and we have some songs.

We hope you can come on Tuesday 29th November to the Gym Hall to see our assembly.growth-v-fixed

Winter Conditions

The playground is, naturally, quite icy at the moment.  The pupils are loving it and we are enjoying seeing them have so much fun in the outdoors.

Walking, sliding and playing on icy pavements is a part of life, and there is a great deal of learning, fun and personal development that can come from pupils exploring the world in this way.

However, icy ground is obviously a greater fall hazard than normal.  We have spoken to all the children about “planning their own safety” and we would encourage you to do the same at home.  Ice can be great fun if we are sensible and careful when we use it.

Please speak to your children about how to stay safe on the ice.  Stopping children from playing on it isn’t the answer, they need to learn to manage this risk responsibly.

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P3 Settings

Miss McLennan was very impressed with the first part of our writing today.  We had to set the scene using sense description. 😊


Primary 5

Today, Primary 5 went to the handball festival at Broxburn Academy. We had been learning game skills with Ms Pender in PE and this was our chance to apply them! We played against children from lots of different schools – Holy Family, St Nicholas, Broxburn, Uphall and Kirkhill.

Miss McLaughlin was so impressed at how well we played – we were fair, supportive and used lots of the handball skills we had learned. Thanks to the 6th year Sports Leaders at the Academy too.

Here are a few photos from today…




Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Our Values Champions

Last session you helped create a new set of Values for our school:  POSITIVE – UNDERSTANDING – SUPPORTS – CONFIDENT – PERSONALSUCCESS

To make the values a meaningful part of our school life, pupils need to understand and use them.  At Pumphie Pals last week, we made up character names to help us understand and use the values more.  P4 worked with Mr Eagleson to create the figures to go with each character, and here they are:

pc-positiveuncle-understandingsally-supports captain-confidentpenny-personalsusie-success

P 2 / 3 Weekly Blog

Tomorrow is our class assembly and we are all very excited!

We have been developing our drama skills as we have been practising our assembly.  Here are some of the skills we have developed:

‘ When you are on stage it is important not to talk when others are saying their lines’ Olivia P.

‘ We have to listen really carefully so we know when it is our turn to say our lines’ Ryleigh.

‘ When I am finished on stage I need to remember to put my props away carefully’ Jaxson.

‘ When we are saying our lines we need to talk clearly’ Layla.

‘ I have learned how to take on the role of a character when I am on stage’ Eve.

We hope to see you all tomorrow, Tuesday 22nd of November for a 2.15pm start. See you there!

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