Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 were learning about Christmas customs from around the world.

We investigated customs from France, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Germany and Spain, then created posters to show what we had learned. Did you know that in Italy there is no Santa Claus, but a Kind Witch instead? And did you know that French children leave their shoes out on Christmas to be filled with presents?

Check out the posters we made below.


We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year when they come.

Until the next time (in 2017!)…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Christmas Sing-a-long

img_2696Tomorrow afternoon at 1:15 we celebrate our Christmas assembly. Pupils from P1-P7 will sing a selection of Christmas songs which I’m sure you’ll want to join in with, and we will be joined by our chaplain, Mr Povey.

Remember that it is ‘dress down for fun’ so no money is required. We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow at 1:15.

Steven Eagleson

P4 Christmas Song

As part of their final session with Miss Mulholland Primary 4 performed their Christmas song which demonstrated their learning of beat, rhythm and pitch and then they finished the session with some games which had everyone giggling and trying to keep up.  Thank you to Miss Mulholland, we have all learned so much and have a much better understanding of music now.


Our learning this week! P6

This week in maths we were using 2D nets to make 3D shapes. We made a cube, a cone, a square based pyramid, a cuboid, a triangular prism and a cylinder.

This week we were doing writing too. We were writing about a Christmas day and were setting a scene using the 5 senses: sight, feel, taste, smell and sound.

By Mya and Logan



Primary 1

Primary 1 had great fun this week performing “A Wriggly Nativity”. Here is what some of the children said after the performance.

Sophie Rose: I was a bit nervous but excited!

Tyler: I loved bumping up and down to the camel song.

Layla: I enjoyed my Angel dance.

Ola: I liked picking up the baby and rocking him.



P4 Music with Miss Mulholland

Miss Mulholland has taught about beat, pitch and rhythm.  We played games to help us learn these musical terms and we have just finished writing our very own Christmas song.  We wrote the rhythm first using ta and te-te then we added pitches using so, la or mi.  Finally we wrote the lyrics.

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