New teachers for Primary 4

Primary 4 are pleased to welcome their new teachers,  Miss Morrison and Mrs McConville. We are looking forward to having fun with them and learning new things.  We would like to do some more Drama, Science and PE.  We will do our best to use our growth mindsets to help us even if we find things difficult.

We hope you enjoy teaching us.

Yours sincerely

Primary 4img_0450

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 have been learning more about Scots’ language.

Last year, we learned some Scots’ adjectives and used these to describe ourselves. This year, we extended our range of adjectives and learned words to describe a town/village.

We had been exploring poetry from the book ‘Blethertoun Braes’ and decided to create our own ‘toun’ and unusual characters. We wrote character descriptions, including where they worked and lived. Have a look at ‘Nebbytoun’ below!

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We have also been ‘keeping it Scots’ by learning about the legend that is Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Check in with us to see our beautiful art work!

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 1

In class, we have been reading Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted. In the story, Katie Morag throws away her teddy when she is angry. We made a poster to help find the lost teddy. We also wrote a description of Katie Morag. Here is Peyton’s description of Katie Morag:

Katie Morag has red hair. It is long and she has rosey cheeks and a jumper that is blue and white. She wears a kilt and a pair of welly boots. She is kind.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all creatures from Club Wild. We hope it is a good year for all and especially for the birds, bees and butterflies. Look what a difference we made last year with the wild flower meadow at the front of school. It went from a patch of bare ground to a beautiful haven for bees and butterflies. Everyone enjoyed the amazing variety and colours of the plants. We used it as our outdoor classroom where we made butterfly feeders, learned how to take close up photographs and carry out bee and butterfly surveys.
We are looking forward to the new year and for more adventures outside in nature. There is so much more we can do to help our wild plants and animals.
Below you will see some of our beautiful flowers from our garden. 

by Sarah Jane

P2 / 3 Weekly Blog

Today we have been learning about nouns. Noun is a word that is a name of a place, person or a thing.  We had a noun hunt! This is what we found.

Primary 1/2

This week in Maths, P1/2 have been learning how to sort and display data. We learned how to count tally marks and record them on a table. We also used Carroll Diagrams to display data and worked as a group to create our own headings and categories for sorting objects.

We have also been learning about New Year resolutions. We shared our ideas for our own resolutions then drew and labelled our targets.

Ruby's resolution
Ruby’s resolution
Emily's resolution
Emily’s resolution
P1/2 sorting and labeling objects
P1/2 sorting and labeling objects


Primary 1

Happy New Year from Primary 1!

We are looking forward to learning lots in 2017. We have been finding out what New Year was like in different countries around the world and learned about what New Year’s Resolutions are. Some people in our class wanted to make one!

James: I want to get better at swimming.

Isla: I am going to start tidying my room.

Jack: I am going to help my Mum do the dishes.


P6 Science

Happy New Year from P6!

We are raring to go and keen to learn lots in 2017. On our first day back, P6 have been learning about states of matter in science. We made a video to show how particles behave in solids, liquids and gases. You can watch it below.

Huge congratulations to Rhona


It was announced that Rhona Ritchie, our outstanding and dedicated lollipop lady, has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the New Year’s Honours list.

What fantastic recognition of Rhona’s dedication to generations of Pupils from Pumpherston & Uphall Station over the last 40+ years.  Well done Rhona, we’re all very proud of you.

Extract from the BBC article:img_2779


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