Primary 1

Primary 1 have been busy this week learning a Scots poem for homework. Today, everyone got a chance to recite their poem in front of the rest of the class. Some children chose Mince and Tatties as their poem and others chose Robin Reidbreist. We all met our success criteria which  was to speak in a clear voice and make eye contact with our audience.


Local Wildlife

This week at club wild we have been making bird feeders out of a variety of different shaped plastic bottles. These will keep the seed dry and they look fantastic.

We also made fat cake for the birds. Here is our quick and easy ‘Club Wild – Bird Fat Cake’ recipe:

Vegetable or beef suet
Porridge oats
Any of the following – bird seed, meal worms, bird nuts, ground nuts, hard cheese
Moulds – yoghurt pots or other plastic tubs, coconut shells, pine cones
String tied to the mould

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until they are bound together. The warmth of our hands made the fat squidgy and sticky. Spoon the mixture into the mould and press it down.

By providing food and water for the birds we are helping them survive the winter. Hopefully we will attract more birds to the school grounds where we can watch and learn more about them.


Scots Assembly Auditions

pcOn Tuesday afternoon Mr Eagleson and the Pupil Council Reps auditioned the ‘turns’ for our Scots Assembly on January 31st.

There were lots of fantastic acts hoping to be selected and we have chosen the pupils to take part.  Below is a programme for the assembly so you can see who is taking part.

Our annual Scots assembly celebrates the valuable contribution which older friends, family and neighbours make to the lives of our children and our community.  For once, parents/carers are not invited to this assembly unless your own child is performing.  Please respect this in order to allow us to share the afternoon with our older community members.

If your child is selected to perform, an invite will be sent home with a copy of the programme.  We would like to invite grandparents or other older relatives and friends to the assembly and an invite is sent home to all pupils for this.

Please complete the slip attached to the invite with the name of the older friend or relative who would like to attend and return this to school so we can plan. 

Educational Maintenance Allowances

Are you registered for Educational Maintenance benefits?

There are a range of benefits available to support pupil education.  these include Free School Meals, free milk, clothing allowances, etc.  It is very important you are registered to receive these if you are entitled.  Please click the link below to find out more about these important benefits.  If you are eligible, please ask at the office and we can help you register.

Remember that while P1-P3 receive free school meals automatically, you still need to register for Free School Meals in order to access other allowances.

Click here for information on Free School Meals


Bike Safety

cableWe have heard some reports of bikes being stolen from the village.  Please ensure that all bikes at school are locked securely.  You can also contact the police to help with marking the bike in case of theft.

Please remember that bike helmets should always be worn.


P 2 / 3 Weekly Blog

As part of our Scottish topic we are looking at the art work of the Scottish artist Jolomo. We are learning to paint in the style of Jolomo. First we looked at a selection of Jolomo’s paintings and decided what one we wanted to paint. Here are some pictures of the re creation of Jolomo’s painting of Halaman Bay.

School Uniform Policy

The following letter is in your child’s bag today.  It is important to us as a school community that children are safe, smart and presentable and that clothing is appropriate and fit for learning.


P6 Weekly Blog

This week we learned about time in maths, we were learning 12 and 24 hour time. We found out that 24 hour time has a colon and 12 hour doesn’t and 24 hour time is mostly used on your phone or electrical device.

With Mrs Andison we have been learning about smoking. In drama we made a smoking advert to help people stop smoking and to tell them about the consequences.

By Mya and Iona

New teachers for Primary 4

Primary 4 are pleased to welcome their new teachers,  Miss Morrison and Mrs McConville. We are looking forward to having fun with them and learning new things.  We would like to do some more Drama, Science and PE.  We will do our best to use our growth mindsets to help us even if we find things difficult.

We hope you enjoy teaching us.

Yours sincerely

Primary 4img_0450

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 have been learning more about Scots’ language.

Last year, we learned some Scots’ adjectives and used these to describe ourselves. This year, we extended our range of adjectives and learned words to describe a town/village.

We had been exploring poetry from the book ‘Blethertoun Braes’ and decided to create our own ‘toun’ and unusual characters. We wrote character descriptions, including where they worked and lived. Have a look at ‘Nebbytoun’ below!

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We have also been ‘keeping it Scots’ by learning about the legend that is Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Check in with us to see our beautiful art work!

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

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