Primary 1/2

In Science, we have been learning all about our senses. We can list the five senses and talk about their importance in keeping us safe and telling us about the world around us. This week we learned all about our eyes. We drew diagrams of the eye and labelled its different parts. We were also able to talk about the job that different parts of our eyes do.

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Within Literacy, we’ve been learning to use adjectives. We are beginning to identify adjectives in stories we read in class and we can use them in our sentences to write descriptions of characters. This week we enjoyed writing descriptions of each other.

Here are some other things we enjoyed:

Jack – ‘I liked Beat That Maths test because it was a challenge and I had fun doing it.’

Olivia – ‘I liked French and doubling numbers in Maths.’

Emily – ‘I liked French and drawing the eye.’


On Friday mornings we are starting to work with Ms Pender to learn gymnastics. Today we were learning about balance. Ms Pender was delighted with our work and lots of us were able to demonstrate our moves to the class.


P6 Artwork

As part of our Scots focus, P6 have been studying the work of the Scottish Colourists. First, we looked at examples of their work and talked about their styles of painting and what the artwork made us think and feel. The children then created their own portraits inspired by the work of John Duncan Fergusson. Finally, they set up their own still life compositions using classroom objects and used shading to draw the still life, inspired by the work of Samuel Peploe.

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Primary 1

This week in Science, Primary 1 have been learning about our 5 senses. We drew what our favourite thing was to taste,smell, touch, see and hear. We also learned about how the different parts of the eye work. We labelled a picture of an eye showing the pupil and iris.


Football Team


Our school football team looked fantastic in their new sponsored strips on Friday.  Many thanks to the parents who help the coach, David, at the matches.  If you are interested in being more involved in supporting our team – please let us know.

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 were learning about dissolving.

We learned that dissolving meant that the particles of one material mixed with a liquid to create a ‘solution’. This means that the material is ‘soluble’. If the particles cannot mix with a liquid, it is ‘insoluble’.

We tested different materials to see if they were soluble or insoluble. We use the same measure and temperature of water to make sure it was a fair test.


We found that chalk and sand were insoluble. Flour, coffee and salt were soluble. We were unsure about gravy as some of it dissolved, but not all. We wonder if the temperature of the water would make a difference – what do you think?

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

In primary 4 we are proud of our achievements

Primary 4 have been discussing class work that they are proud of this week. Below you will see some of our thoughts:

Ryan S – Happy that we are having a secret pupil who receives 5 dojo points if they work hard and behave for the full day. Our teachers choose a new secret pupil each day.

Bailey – Proud that I have stayed on green for 2 days and proud of the Scottish tartan I designed.

Eilidh – I am proud that I have learned my 4 times table.

Kyle – Proud of behaviour in our class this week.

Amber – I have learned my 5 times table and got two medals, one for kickmaster and one for karate.

Summer – I enjoyed my artwork and drew and coloured a Scottish thistle for our Scottish assembly.

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