Friday Parent Craft Club


Do you enjoy making things and getting involved in crafts?  Is this more fun with friends?  Then come along to our new weekly parent-led Craft Club!

The club is the brainchild of Sarah Jane, parent of Murron, Mia and Sorley and is a new plan to help parents socialise more and have fun being crafty together.

The club plans to meet in the school dinner hall every Friday from 11am – starting this Friday (24 Feb).  Younger children are welcome too, if necessary.

Come along and join in – it’s free and fun for everyone.

Primary 3

I have enjoyed playing games to learn number bonds. (Lilly)

I have enjoyed watching the Katie Morag programme and writing my Katie Morag story (Ellie Grieve)

I have enjoyed playing the number bond to 100 games  (Darcy)

I enjoyed our silly daily mile as we were walking around the lamp posts. (Tatiana)

Calum, Jake, Ellie G, Maja and Rosa have shared their learning with Miss Morrison this week.

Well done everyone in P3!

P6 Weekly Blog

This week we have been using fractions in maths and have learnt how to change fractions to decimals and percentages. In health and well being we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe. We talked about trust and peer pressure and made acrostic poems to show our understanding. In our writing we have been analysing different types of poems and looking for rhythmic patterns, onomatopoeia, alliteration and personification.

By Hallie and Lauren

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Primary 1

Primary 1 have been learning how to double numbers this week. We have been using strategies such as counting on our fingers or drawing pictures to find the answer. In writing, we have been learning how to use adjectives. We all wrote about one of our classmates, using adjectives to describe them. This is what Sophie-Rose wrote about Ola:

Ola has brown hair and she has a pony tail. Ola has brown pretty eyes. Ola has ladybug earings. She has a dress and white top. Ola is helpful. I like playing doctors with Ola.

P3 Achievements

All pupils in P3  completed a 5 week ‘Fun Start Fitness’ course today.  During the 5 weeks they have learned lots about mental wellbeing, the importance of water, physical exercise, diet and teeth.  James from Broxburn United Sports Club, who led the sessions, was very impressed with effort, enthusiasm to learn and behaviour.  We hope they can share their learning at home.

Well done to all the P3s!

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P 2 / 3 Weekly Blog

We have just started our new topic. We are going to be learning about rainforests. Here are some facts we have learned already:

‘ Rainforests are found in tropical countries near the equator’. Lilly

‘ We have learned about the five top countries where rainforests can be found: Brasil, Congo, Peru, Indonesia and Colombia.’ Eve

‘We have learned they are called rainforests because the trees are very tall’ Arianna

‘We have learned they are called rainforests because it rains every day and rains as much as 200cms a year!’ Jaxson

‘ There are lots of plants and animals found in the rainforests’ Olivia B


P3 have enjoyed learning …

I have enjoyed Maths because I liked using the Diennes cubes. (Oskars)

I liked maths when I was using the Venn diagram. (Rosa)

I liked making our electricity models. (Maja)

I liked designing my mask for Technologies. (Mischa)

I liked making my tartan in Art. (Chloe)

I liked writing my own Gruffalo story in Scots. (Calum)

Big Schools’ Bird Watch

This week Club Wild  took part in the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Bird watch. We set up three bird watching areas in and around the playground where we had placed bird feeders the week before in the hope that birds would come.

In our first area we turned the shelter in the playground into a bird hide, in the second area we hid in the school garden shed and the third area we made bird hides in the thicket of trees in the carpark.  Using our binoculars, bird spotting books, cameras and our counting sheets we watched and listened for a full hour.

All our hard work making the bird feeders, setting them up and watching quietly rewarded us with blue tits, great tits, wood pigeons and robins in the woodland thicket. What beautiful music! We learnt that the smaller birds need the shelter of bushes and trees while the larger birds, crows, magpies and seagulls are happy scavenging in the playground when we are not there.

Look out for more winter adventures next week with Club Wild.

Cheers, Sarah-Jane


Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 ventured out of school to head for the pool! 

We went to Xcite Broxburn to be assessed on our swimming skills. We were split into groups and got to practise our front/back swimming strokes, floating, turning, paddling and retrieving objects from the bottom of the pool. We were shattered by the end of it! We were excellent role models for the school and Miss McLaughlin was very impressed with how hard we tried!

Xcite Broxburn will offer free swimming lessons to individuals based on the results of their assessments. More information will follow soon.

Check in with us to see what we get up to next week!

Until then…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

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