Friday Parent Craft Club


The first craft club this Friday was a lovely start to a fun new project.  Parents enjoyed a cup of tea together and tried their hand at some tapestry.  The club is every Friday at 11am, younger children are also welcome and it is open and free for all.

We hope to see you there.

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 have been learning more about weaving!

To tie in with our Outdoor Learning focus (‘Medieval Market’), we learned how to weave both natural and man-made materials. We used a variety of plants and began to weave them through the fences outside. We also tried weaving with wool and are making samples of cloth to sell on our market stalls.

Below are some photos of us weaving outside.

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Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 1/2

As part of our work within Social Studies, we have been looking at the differences between services in the local area and on the fictional Isle of Struay in the Katie Morag stories.

We went out for a walk around the area to find out about the different types of houses, shops and services nearby. We saw lots of cottages and semi-detached houses. We wrote a list of the features of each place and discovered that Pumpherston and Uphall Station has more shops and services than Katie Morag’s island.

Here are some of the other things we have been doing this week:

Millie: ‘I liked learning numbers and colours in French.’

Aiden: ‘I liked Big Maths Beat That test because it was fun.’

Brooke: ‘I liked reading this week.’

Emily: ‘I made terraced houses.’


Preparations for Spring

After listening to all the beautiful bird music during the Schools Bird watch, we know that spring is on the way. Last week Club Wild made nesting bundles, made of simple building materials, hoping to encourage birds to set up home nearby.

First we collected forked sticks, then mixed together materials including dry grass, straw, wool, thread, dog hair and sheep wool. We wrapped these around the sticks and secured with twine. We hung these in up in the trees. We can’t wait to see nests soon, maybe the birds will have chosen our bright orange and green wool or the fluffy dog hair.

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This week we thought about why birds build nest (for shelter, to lay their eggs and raise their young) and how different birds build different types of nests. We also learned that it is becoming more difficult for birds to find good places to build nests as areas are developed for houses and gardens are tidied. We can give the birds a helping hand by putting up nest boxes around the school grounds. We put up two different types, one with a small hole for the smaller birds like blue tits, great tits and sparrows and one with an open end which robins like. We hope that everyone in the school will keep an eye on the bird boxes to see if anyone moves in.





Primary 1

As part of our Katie Morag topic, we went for a walk around Pumpherston so that we could compare services found in Pumpherston with those found on Katie Morag’s Isle of Struay. We then created a list comparing the different services found in each place. Primary 1 voted on which place they would rather live, Struay or Pumpherston. Everyone voted for Pumpherston!

P6 Class Assembly

P6 performed their class assembly about Building Learning Power this afternoon for visitors and the rest of the school. Everyone did a great job and made Mrs Cullum a very proud teacher! Well done P6 and thank you to everyone who could make it along to watch.

Mrs Cullum

Thinking Day

Caitlin in P1 has informed me that tomorrow (22nd February) is World Thinking Day.  If your child is a member of Brownies or Guides – or indeed Cubs, Scouts, Anchor Boys or Boys Brigade – then they can wear their uniform to school tomorrow.

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