Take a look at some of our newspaper reports about the film Madagascar.  Everyone enjoyed writing catchy headlines and tried hard to answer the when, where, who and what questions.
A place for news, information and sharing learning from PUSCPS
Take a look at some of our newspaper reports about the film Madagascar.  Everyone enjoyed writing catchy headlines and tried hard to answer the when, where, who and what questions.
Our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) were out with their camera again this week and – once again – were very upset and confused by the inconsiderate and dangerous parking they saw.
This was made even more annoying because the group walked down to Drumshoreland Road where there were spaces for more than 10 cars within a 2 minute walk.
Is your children’s safety worth less than a two minute walk?
Cars parked on the pavement and on the yellow “SCHOOL NO STOPPING” road marking – both of which are criminal offenses. Â
Car parked on the pavement which leads to the library – again – illegal parking as well as inconsiderate and dangerous. Â
Cars parked in front of the bollards – blocking the road for emergency vehicles. Â Unacceptable and unnecessary. Â
One of our P3 boys has started participating in a Junior Park Run. Â He has run the 2km circuit a few times now and he is loving it – and his time is improving. What a star!
In P4 one of our boys has achieved his first win at Ninja Racing Carts which he started last season. Â He has been improving greatly and is very motivated. Â What a champion. Â
Last week was our Shared Focus week on Rights Respecting School linked to our partner school in Magale. Â Â Pupils have been talking all week about the rights which all children have – and how we are supporting pupils in Uganda to ensure they have the same rights. At assembly today the classes shared their RRS learning, below are some photographs. Â A lot of classes considered the chickens which we have recently bought to help the school in Uganda be more self-supporting.
We were also joined by Mr Povey, our school Chaplain, who shared the work in which his church is involved supporting villagers in Tanzania. Â We all thought about the rights to a home, safe drinking water, nutritious food and quality education.
This week our focus has been Rights Respecting Schools. Eve updated us with what is happening in the Magale school. Â She told us they have used the money from our last fundraiser to buy chickens for the school.
We used the internet to investigate how to look after chickens. Then we worked in groups to create posters showing how to look after chickens. We will be presenting our posters at the Magale assembly.
This week, Primary 5 were thinking about rights!
For this year’s Rights Respecting Schools focus, we had to link what we knew about rights to the work we had done with the Magale School in Uganda. So, we asked ourselves the question – how does the kindness of others help rights be met in Magale?
We worked in pairs and illustrated something we had seen on the ‘Friends of Magale’ page. Then, we thought about how that would link to what we knew about rights. We made this poster below to show what we had learned:
We look forward to sharing this at the RRS/Magale assembly this afternoon.
Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂
As part of our Fairtrade and Rights Respecting School focus week, P6 learnt about the difference between wants and needs and how they link to our rights. We looked at a day in the life of a typical Ugandan Primary School child (Magale is in Uganda) and thought about their wants and needs. We were able to see that although their wants would be very different, we all have the same needs. We then looked at a Fairtrade case study to see how Fairtrade can help families get what they need and how we can make a difference.
Hallie, Katie and Oskar are looking forward to sharing what we have learnt with the rest of the school in our assembly tomorrow. We think you might be surprised at how different a typical Ugandan school child’s day is to your own!
This week, Primary 1/2 have been learning more about our partner school in Uganda and talking about the rights that we all share. We looked at photographs of the chickens they bought with the help of some of the funds we raised and we talked about how keeping chickens would benefit the pupils there.
We have also been learning about what makes a good piece of writing this week. We created plans for our Katie Morag stories and stopped at points during our writing lesson to reflect on what we had written so far. Next week we want to continue to practise checking over our sentences and try our best to include interesting wow words and adjectives.
P1 have reflected on their learning this week – here is what we have been learning:
Caitlin – With Mrs Rarity we learned about the chickens we bought for our partner school in Magale, Uganda.
Kayden – we learned more about Katie Morag and crossing the ocean.
Layla – we made pictures of pancakes in art and put on whatever we wanted – we did this because it was pancake day.
Kian – we were learning our reading with new books.
We learned about Fairtrade this week, at Pumphie Pals and in class. Â People who make food from countries far away earn more money if we buy Fairtrade.
Tyler – we learned the Christian story of Jesus turning the market sellers out of the temple