P6 River Models

P6 have been learning about rivers this term and this week we have been getting creative! First, we used clay to make 3D models showing the course of a river from source to mouth. We included features like valleys, tributaries, meanders, floodplains, levees, estuaries and deltas. Then we used a variety of instruments to make a sound story to depict a river’s course from source to mouth. Take a look at our models in the pictures below and see if you can identify some of the features of a river.

JRSO Parking Update

Our JRSO Team and Mrs Bonner were out again this week.  A community Police Officer joined us this week to see the problem we are having and offer advice.  

Cars are still choosing to disregard pupil safety and park in front of the bollards (the red and silver car on the right of this photo below) and – incredibly – on the pavement! (The red car on the left of the photo below).

The white car in this photo has decided to park on the pavement leading to library.

Are you parking safely?  Please stop putting us in danger for your own convenience.

Families Learning Together session 5

Yesterday we had our 5th Families Learning Together – Sharing Learning session.  We had a fantastic turnout and there was a great buzz in the room as mums, dads, carers, grans, grandads, uncles and aunts all spent time talking about learning with their child.

We have two further FLT sessions before the summer holiday and P1 pupils will also be included in these for the first time.

These are:  Tuesday 23 May 5pm-6pm & Wednesday 14 June 11am-12pm.

Respect for Others

Yesterday at assembly we spoke about respect.  We focussed on how to treat and speak to other people showing respect.

We also talked about the importance of taking responsibility for your own actions, how to put it right when accidents happen in which others are hurt and we talked about safety in the playground.

We discussed our playground rules, reinforced how pupils are expected to behave in the playground and made it very clear that any games which involve physical contact are not permitted.  This is in response to an increase of silly games involving grabbing, pushing and holding down, etc. which, like play fighting, always get out of hand.

You can see the powerpoint we used at this assembly by clicking this link. Respect for Others Powerpoint

A city for bugs!


This week we started work on our big bug city. It will have hotels, apartment blocks and houses.. free accommodation for all mini beasts.

We went out and about to collect materials to furnish all the rooms. Look how much we gathered! The long stems of the cow parsley are hollow so they will provide homes for solitary bees. Twigs and sticks will offer lodgings for ground beetles and dried grass will be nice and cosy for lacewings.

Check in on our bug city contruction progress next week as we decorate the rooms and find the ideal place in the playground for all the mini beasts to live.

Club Wild, Mrs Young and Sarah-Jane

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 started making their medieval market merchandise!

We made decisions about the stalls we would like to have (a blacksmith, grocer, butcher, baker, potter/weaver and tanner). Each week, with the help of Sarah-Jane, we have been making items to sell on each stall.

First, we tried our hand at being potters. We made clay coil pots and cups. To keep them in good condition, we will paint and glaze them. Then, we made tools for our blacksmith stall, such as maces, hammers and horseshoes. We have been developing our cutting and joining skills, as well as working with different materials. Have a look at our work below.

Check in with us next week to see what we are making!

Until then…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

P4 Dance

P4 have been learning a dance routine in P.E with Mrs Pender. The children are in role for the dance and it would be beneficial for them to be wearing a black t-shirt and black/dark shorts for their performance. These clothes can be sent into class as soon as possible and stored in the children’s P.E bags until the performance.


Miss Morrison

P6 Blog

This week’s update on our learning comes from Aiden, Logan and Georgie:

  • In maths we learned about co-ordinates with negative numbers in 2 quadrants.
  • In writing we were writing a plan for our own choice of subject for the Young Writers Contest.
  • In PE we have been doing bench ball and dance. We have all made up a dance to show the whole school.

This week in P1

P1 have had a fun and busy week.  We reflected on our learning and shared what we have learnt this week:

Jack:  We were learning about take away sums.  We had to take away and add.

Layla:  We were learning about doubling numbers like 4+4.

Kayden:  We learnt about feelings like sad and happy and grumpy.

Peyton:  We learnt our number in French.  I can count up to 10.

Sophie Rose:  We used collage in art to make pictures of a dragon.

We will need these pictures next week for our storywriting.

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