September Newsletter

The September Newsletter – including a useful session dates section – has been added to the Newsletter section of this blog – CLICK HERE.  This will be emailed tomorrow and, if you have requested it, a paper copy will be in your child’s bag.    Please ensure that the office has an up to date email address for you at all times.


See you on Tuesday!

Summer holidays are almost over and we are looking forward to welcoming you all back for a new school year on Tuesday.  Here are a few things to remember:

Our school uniform is black or grey trousers or skirt, white or blue polo shirt or a white shirt and tie with a blue school cardigan or jumper (black in P7).

Pupils need sensible outdoor shoes and safe indoor shoes (not slippers).

We do not allow football colours, hoodies worn in class, leggings worn as trousers, dangling jewellery, make-up of any kind, nail polish or fake nails.  We discourage “extreme” hairstyles and would appreciate your support with this.

Many thanks for your support in keeping our school fantastic.

Always an exciting time – we all remember getting our new pencil cases.  Please bear in mind that while school will provide resources where required it is very useful for pupils to bring their own equipment.  This helps pupils with organisation, taking care of property and makes it easier to quickly get on with their work.

What is required will vary with the stage of your child, but all children should come to school every day with pencil, rubber, ruler and be ready to learn. Coloured pencils are also very useful for children in P2 upwards.

Remember please that pupils in P1-P3 are entitled to a free lunch every day, while P4-P7 must pay for this.  School lunch is currently £1.97 and pupils choose in the morning from a choice of two hot meals and a Sandwich option; pupils may also bring a packed lunch from home.  Remember that you can pay for and select your child’s meal through our iPay system online; ask at the office for details.

For P2-P7 pupils Breakfast club is open from 8:10 every morning, accessed from the deck and run by Mrs Bonner and Mrs Boyce.  This is free for all pupils.  P1 pupils may attend breakfast club after the September weekend.

Please remember that there is no supervision at school before Breakfast Club starts at 8:10.  Pupils are not allowed in the playground before 8:30.

Please do not park dangerously or illegally in front of school and only bring your car into the school area if absolutely necessary.  We all look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

warm regards, Steven Eagleson – Headteacher


Welcome to Primary 1 at PUSCPS

Staff at PUSCPS are excited to welcome our new Primary 1 pupils into our school community. Below you will see a copy of the information sheet that was included in your induction pack, this will give you clear information about your child’s first week. If you are finding it difficult to see the image please click on it and it will enlarge the size.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 22nd August!

The Hobbit Panto

Primary 1 to Primary 7 pupils enjoyed watching our end of year Panto, ‘The Hobbit’. They had a fantastic afternoon and were a brilliant audience. Afterwards our Primary 7 pupils participated in a workshop delivered by the theater company and were all very enthusiastic about their learning.

P2/ 3 Last Blog of the Year

We would like to share with you what have been the learning highlights of our year.

We learned about the organs in the body when we were learning how to prepare a mummy.
We developed our writing by writing facts about the Egyptian Gods.
We created Egyptian houses.
We were learning how to paint in the style of Jolomo.
We made 3d snakes as part of our Rainforest topic.
We drew detailed pictures showing what we had in our local community.

Primary 5

Just a reminder that the P5 ‘Medieval Market’ showcase will take place on Wednesday 28th June at 2pm.

Parents, carers and friends of the school are welcome to come along. We are really looking forward to showing off our hard work!

The lovely builders who made our market stalls will be there too and Stuart from the West Lothian Courier will be taking photographs.

We hope to see you there!

Until then…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Silly Summer Dress Up – 30th June

On the last day of term, Friday 30th June we will be having our annual “Silly Summer Dress up” to raise funds for Magale school in Uganda. Children should wear their summer clothes on this day. If they want to be extra silly, clothes can be worn inside out or back to front! £1 donation for dress down.  Ice lollies will be on sale for 30p on this day, which will also go towards Magale funds. 

A huge congratulations to Peyton Dervish in P1 and Calum Rose in P3 for their achievements at the West Lothian Young Writer of the year awards. They attended the awards at Howden Park Centre last night with their family and received a medal and prize.

Well done Peyton and Calum!

P6 Community Proposal Models

This term, Primary 6 have been investigating the local area. We carried out research and collected evidence to identify what the strengths and areas for development were for Pumpherston and Uphall Station. Using this as inspiration, we came up with proposals for things that could be added to or changed in the local community. We wrote letters to West Lothian Council to persuade them to introduce our ideas and made 3D models of our proposals.

Suggestions included: car parks, cycle paths, shops, a community centre, a skate park, a swimming pool and extra maintenance for existing buildings in the community.

Here are some of our 3D models:

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