P1m and P1s School Houses

P1 have been very excited this week to be sorted into their new school houses.  They are called Almond, Breich and Calder.  House points can be earned through lots of things and already some of us have been earning points.

Earn points for your house through:

  • being kind
  • holding doors open for others
  • working hard
  • picking up litter
  • being helpful
  • playing nicely
  • walking sensibly
  • following our golden rules
  • listening quietly
  • treating others with respect

Almond (Green house)


Breich (Red house)


Calder (Blue House)

Golden Time

Primary 2-7 pupils signed up to their chosen golden time activity this week and had great fun playing with peers from different classes. All classes have been learning about Rights and Responsibilities since returning to school and article number 31 is a favourite – we have the right to play.

Building is great fun!
We had a great time playing field games.
I really enjoy art activities.
Outdoor play is great fun!
We made vehicles and raced them.
We loved construction!

Parent Craft Club Returns this Friday

Our Friday parent craft club returns this week from 11 to 12:10. This week we are going to be discussing what we would like to explore in the autumn and winter terms with the Christmas fayre in mind. Everyone is welcome, there are toys and crafts for wee ones along with tea, coffee, juice and cake.

Come along for meeting and spending time with friends, enjoy some knitting, sewing, crochet, decoupage and  jewellery making amongst other things. We all enjoy giving it a go regardless of whether we have tried it before.

Sarah Jane Haston

P3 Roots of Empathy

P3 are happy to be part of the Roots of Empathy (ROE) program this year. This program teaches children about feelings through regular visits from a baby and her parents.

We had our first visit from Mrs Brutin, our ROE instructor, this afternoon. She talked to us about what will happen in our ROE sessions and showed us some photos of the baby. We used our measuring skills to measure a doll and then used our estimating skills to guess whether the real baby would be bigger, smaller or the same size as the doll. P3 came up with lots of good questions about what the baby can do and we are going to ask these when we meet the baby and her parents.

Our first family visit (with the baby and her parents) will be in two weeks. Everyone is very excited to meet them!

Mrs Cullum and P3

Hello from P1m

P1m have had a fantastic first week at school.  Miss McLennan has been so impressed at how well everyone has settled in.   We have been very independent in the morning getting changed and putting our snacks and drinks in the right place.

Well done!

Hello from Primary 1s

In the last week, we have been busy settling into our Primary 1 class and getting to know our new teacher, Mrs Strachan. We are already becoming independent at changing our shoes in the morning and remembering to put our snacks in our tray.

Today was great fun! We had lunch in the dinner hall with our parents. Tomorrow is our first full day in Primary 1 so we might be very tired after school tomorrow!

The Daily Mile

Perhaps you’ve heard your children talking about the Daily Mile and wonder what it’s all about?  The Daily Mile is a global initiative, started in Scotland, to help instil a healthy habit of daily exercise in young people.

The information below explains the principles behind it and the link below will answer some of the most common questions on the Daily Mile Website. The Daily Mile is inclusive for all children and all ages and is an important part of building a healthy Scotland.



Primary 2

Welcome back from Primary 2!

We have been very busy this week and Miss McLaughlin has been learning lots of interesting things about us!

On Wednesday afternoon, we visited the school garden with Sarah-Jane. There were lots of ripe peas and broad beans ready for picking! We have stored them in the fridge and plan to make something tasty next week!

Some photos of our garden antics:

Check in with us next time to see what we have been learning!

Until next time…
Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

Dress Down Day

Reminder – Tomorrow is the last Friday of the month, all children can come to school in casual clothes and help us raise money for our school funds by bringing a £1 donation.

Thank you for all your support!

Miss Morrison

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