
In nursery we love learning outdoors. We have been learning about vegetables and how to look after them while they are growing. We have harvested carrots, potatoes, onions, peas and beans. This links to our rights and responsibilities – we have the right to eat healthy foods.

Meet the Teacher

This Thursday – 14 September 2017

Meet the Teacher is more than just a chance to see your child’s new teacher it’s an opportunity to find out what the year ahead will hold.

 Your child’s class teacher will offer a short presentation at 6pm promptly and repeat the same presentation again at 6:30pm so it is important to be on time for one of these sessions.

 This will give you information on planned learning for the year and organisational information which you will need to ensure your child participates fully.

 The presentation will only take 10-15 minutes with a chance to ask a few general questions.  Please be aware that this is not an opportunity to discuss your child’s specific progress or any personal issues. An appointment with your child’s teacher can be made at any time.

 For P1 Parents please attend the P1 class at 6pm, if you have other children to see you should be able to attend this at 6:30pm.  Mrs Strachan and Miss McLennan will offer a short presentation on the coming P1 year to their own parent group at 6pm.  This will then be followed by short presentations on early literacy and early numeracy and how you can help develop these at home. There will be an opportunity to find out more about Online Learning Journals from Miss Morrison after this if required.  The P1 information should take no longer than half an hour allowing you to ask questions, visit Miss Morrison to discuss Online Learning Journals, or attend a presentation in another class.

If you have pupils in multiple classes there are two opportunities to see each class presentation – 6pm and 6:30pm.  If you have children in more than two classes the presentations used will be available on the blog afterwards.

Engagement from home in pupil learning is key to pupil progress and achievement and we look forward to welcoming you to school on Thursday.

warm regards,

Steven Eagleson

P6 Weekly Blog

We would like to share with you what we have been learning.

‘In maths we have been learning to work with 7 digit numbers’ Erin S

‘In science we have been learning about body systems’ Erin T

‘In writing we have been learning to use emotional language in our diaries about David’ Emma

‘We have been recapping our learning in grammar. We have been identifying nouns, adjectives and verbs’ Ceira

‘Our topic is The Jacobites. I am looking forward to learning all about them’ Calum S

Primary 2

This week, Primary 2 turned chefs with their findings in the garden!

On Monday, we ventured again into the (rainy) garden and went potato picking. We found lots of potatoes, even some purple ones! We thought about how we wanted to use them and decided to make potato soup.

After a lot of washing, peeling, chopping, cooking and blending (by the adults), we had one delicious-looking soup! Which, of course, left only one important job – the tasting! The photos below show our tasting session – can you tell by our faces what we thought?

Check in with us next week to see what we have been learning!

Until then…
Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4

This week we started our new topic on the Celts in Scotland. We researched Celtic clothing and made posters about what we found. We really enjoyed using what we had learned to create our own Celtic characters in groups for our wall display.

In French, we have been working more on our French colours and we played games to help us remember them.

Within Maths, we have been learning to identify 2D shapes and describe their features. On Wednesday, we were looking carefully at the sides and angles of shapes to determine whether they were regular or irregular.

P3 Blog

This week we started our topic – we are learning about the Victorians. Here are some of our highlights from this week:

Aiesha says, “We learned about the different jobs that Victorian kids did.”

Cadence says, “I enjoyed when we watched the videos of the Victorians.”

Aiden C says, “We learned that photos were in black and white in Victorian times.”

Connor L says, “I enjoyed doing our spelling test today.”

Millie says, “I liked doing catching and throwing in PE.”


Primary 1

Both primary 1 classes have had a fun and busy week. In numeracy, we have been practising our counting and number formation.   In phonics, we are already learning some letter sounds and are beginning to blend these together to make words.

On Thursday, we received a letter from The Friendly Dragon in Fairyland asking for our help. He is very sad because he has lost his castle. He has left a special “dragon-mail” letterbox outside our classroom and we have written back to let him  know that we will help him build a new castle. We are very excited!

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