The wider achievement forms were sent home last week – please talk to your children about these and send them in to be displayed outside our classrooms. Â Achievements may happen at home or at a club. Â Children are encouraged to bring in a picture, certificate or even a medal to share with their class.
Club Wild – Autumn Update
At Club wild we have been making the most of the treasures that autumn brings.
The beginning of September brought a bounty of hedgerow fruits. We made jam with the last of the wild raspberries and the first of the brambles along with plums and apples of the orchard and trees in the school grounds. Look out for our tasty jam on sale at the Christmas fayre.
The magnificent purple of the brambles that stained our fingers as we picked also gave us dye to have a go at natural tie-dyeing. We got dark greens from nettles and yellows from turmeric to dye our t-shirts and bags. What amazing colours and patterns.
September also brings seeds shaking, popping and floating. We have collected and dried wild flower seeds that can be sown next year.
October brings beautiful colours as the leaves change colour and fall to the ground. We learnt about this autumn leaf fall, called senescence. Leaves that we collected and pressed were arranged in a frame and hung in the dinner hall. When they catch the autumn sunshine the amazing range of colours shine through.
For Spooky Halloween, Mr Bones was created from collected twigs, as we learned about the different bones in our bodies.
Join us soon for more autumn adventures soon.
Club Wild, Mrs Young & Sarah-Jane
Primary 2
P3 Achievements
Thank you to our P3 pupils who have already brought in their achievements from outside school to share with the class. We love to hear about what you get up to outside school so please remember to fill in your achievement slip and bring it in!
I did my first fun run at Addiewell and won my first medal. I am proud. I walked half way and ran the rest.
I learned to ride my bike without stabilizers. I went on a big bike ride with my sister and granny all the way to Morrisons and back.
P6 Our Jacobite Topic
We would like to share with you some of our learning during our Jacobite topic.
On our school trip we got to experience what life was like as a Jacobite. We used these experiences in drama when we were creating improvised dramas.
We learned the Jacobites used targes to protect them when they were in battle. We designed and created our own targes.
We developed our skills in non fiction reading and learned to skim, scan and read the text closer to find facts. We then worked in groups to use the internet to research the Stuarts family tree.
We developed our literacy skills by writing a diary entry of a Jacobite soldier.
Thank you
Wear It Wild Day!
School Inspection from Education Scotland
We have received notification of inspection from Education Scotland. Inspections are important events in the life of a school, they are infrequent but vital to ensuring schools are meeting the needs of learners; PUSCPS was last inspected in 2006.  The inspection will begin the week of 13 November.
To ensure that we can focus on the process, we will unfortunately need to postpone the parent appointments by two weeks (until 29 and 30 November), and revert back to the original date for the P7 assembly (10 November). We appreciate that this is inconvenient for working families and would not take this step unless it was absolutely unavoidable.Â
As part of the inspection, Inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey. Â The surveys are available from the following links until 6 November:
The November Newsletter has additional information and has been emailed home. Â It can also be downloaded, or read by visiting the NL page of the blog – click here.
Achievements 27 October 2017
Congratulations to this week’s achievement certificate winners.
Also, well done to our pupils who shared their wider achievements with us at our assembly today. Pupils from Primary 4 and 5 were awarded medals and trophies for Ninja Karting, dancing and long distance running. We are so proud of your hard work!
P3 Blog
Here are some of P3’s highlights of the week:
“We were learning how to play hockey in gym. We learned how to push pass and dribble.”
“We had to stand at the green line and push the ball with our feet on the ground.” Cadence
“In science we learned about Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. He invented the x-ray machine during the Victorian era by mistake. If you are a scientist and you make a mistake, it can be a happy mistake because you can learn something new. It’s the same for our learning in P3!” Eve
“We learned about the skeleton. We had to cut out the bones and stick them together to make a big skeleton.” Olivia P
“We have been learning our times tables in maths. We need to be confident and count up in fives.” Aiden N
“In Maths Talk we have been learning to build a bridge to another friendly number to help us add.” Connor L