P6 Weekly Blog

We went to Broxburn Academy for a STEM day (Science Technology Engineering and Maths). Here are some of the activities we got a chance to take part in.

‘ We got to play with Oobleck. I f you put hard pressure on Oobleck on it, it becomes a solid. If you put light pressure on it, it becomes a liquid. ‘ Lauren

‘ We attached inflated balloons onto cd hovercrafts and took part in a race with them.’ Andrew

‘ We made fizz pop rockets. We put blu tak into the lid and added a white tablet. Then we added water. The first time we added cold water and we repeated it with hot water. We found out that hot water made the fizz pop rocket explode faster.’ Erin S

P1-3 SSPCA Visit

We had a special visitor in from the SSPCA today. Primary 1 – 3 got together in the P2 classroom to hear all about the work that the SSPCA do and how we can help animals in need.

We found out about a pigeon called Percy who needed help from the SSPCA after he got covered in oil. Everyone was able to share their ideas about what Percy would have needed to make him better.

We learned that if we find an animal in need we can phone the SSPCA for help but we shouldn’t touch the animal ourselves.

Primary 2

This week, Primary 2 got arty!

We had been learning about different natural textures and the words we would use to describe them. We thought about how we could use this to create a piece of artwork and decided to create a group ‘texture picture’.

We created crayon rubbings of natural materials like bark, pine needles, pine cones and coconut shells. We then cut them into shapes and brought them together to made a woodland picture.

Can you guess which animal we made?

Check in with us next week to see what we are learning!

Until then…
Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

P3 Blog

As part of our reflection today we have been practising giving and receiving feedback with our elbow partners. We worked on giving constructive feedback to help each other grow and improve. We had to make sure we thought carefully about what we said so it was helpful and not hurtful.

Here are some examples of how we worded our constructive feedback:

“Try to use capital letters more.”

“You could be more sensible in the line.”

“Maybe you could use your knife and fork more in the dinner hall.”

“Try to change your shoes outside the cloakroom.”

Dress Down Friday

Reminder that this Friday is the last Friday of the month.   It is also Mr Eagleson’s last day at PUSCPS.

Children may wear non-uniform.  No football colours.
£1 donation in aid of school funds is appreciated.
If you have a suggestion for a charity focus for next months’ dress down day, please let us know.

Primary 2

Primary 2 have been learning about texture!

We explored natural materials and thought about good ‘texture words’ to describe them. Here are some of the words we came up with:

Then, we gathered extra materials to build a ‘texture board’.  We chose materials and wrote labels to describe how they felt. We hope to move the board to the playground where everyone can use it!

Miss McLaughlin taught us a key word for people who like feeling different textures. Test us to see if we can remember!

Until next time…
Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

A Very Positive Inspection

Many thanks to everyone, pupils, staff and home for making last week’s HMIE Inspection a positive experience.

The inspection team left on Friday and we are very proud of the hard work of everyone.

The report on the inspection will be published after Christmas and we look forward to celebrating our successes and working on our next steps together.

P3 Blog

Yesterday we had GREAT fun during our visit from Zoo Lab! We got to touch and hold snakes, cockroaches, a frog, a hedgehog and a tarantula. Everyone was very brave and excited to see these unusual animals.


Primary Four had some very special visitors in today!

We met lots of different animals thanks to the team at Zoolab and we all learned lots about them.

Everyone enjoyed themselves and participated by either stroking or holding the animals.

We all had very different reactions to the different creatures, but we could all agree that Spike the Hedgehog was lovely.

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