P4/3 Home Learning Week Beginning 11/01/21

P4/3 Home Learning Week 1

Hello P4/3, I hope you all had a great holiday. It is sad that we won’t be able to meet up as a class in school but we can still learn from home.

Each week I will post your timetable on the school blog and every morning I will post your lessons for the day on Seesaw if you are in P3 or Teams if you are in P4.

Miss Burton may also post additional learning opportunities – these are optional. Please remember to go on Sumdog to complete the challenges set as they are part of your learning for the week.

If you normally use IDL for spelling I want you to try and do 30 minutes each day. Here is the link. Let me know if you need your username or password. https://appuk.idlsgroup.com/#/login

Check in – you can follow this link to let me know how you are feeling – https://tinyurl.com/check-in-with-mr-gourlay

Live Video Timetable for P4. Join me on Teams.

  • Monday – 12:00
  • Tuesday – 12.00
  • Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – No video as I am in school.

Monday – 11/01/21

  1. Literacy – Spelling.


  1. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and division.


  1. Interdisciplinary learning – Scottish topic.


Tuesday – 12/01/21

  1. Literacy – Writing.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and multiplication.
  3. Health and wellbeing.

Wednesday – 13/01/21

  1. Literacy – Spelling.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and division.
  3. Interdisciplinary learning – Scottish topic.

Thursday – 14/01/21

  1. Literacy – Reading.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and multiplication.
  3. Health and wellbeing.

Friday – 15/01/21

  1. Literacy – Writing.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and division.
  3. Together time activity.

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