P4-7 Home Learning – WB 6.5.20

Good morning everyone!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. Here is your weekly timetable for home learning tasks.

There are also whole-school tasks previously posted by Miss Burton and P4-6 will have tasks from Mrs Ness. Please remember that there is no pressure to complete everything. 

Wednesday Reading task
Numeracy/Maths task
PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube),
Duolingo app for French
Weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading
Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school
Thursday Numeracy/Maths task
Health or Topic task
PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube)
Duolingo app for French
Weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading
Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school
Friday Free Writing task
PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube)
Duolingo app for French
Weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading
Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

Enjoy your week! We are here if you need anything.

Team P4-7

West Lothian Council Advice: Home Learning

Support to Parents and Carers

“We want to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you are doing to support your child’s learning in these uncertain times. We appreciate the challenges  that we are all facing as we adapt to the current circumstances and hope that you find the information in this link helpful to you as you continue to support your family’s wellbeing.”

IDL Literacy



If your child has an IDL Literacy login this is a great way for them to continue to  develop their literacy skills in a multi-sensory self-led way from home.   It is recommended that they use it for a minumum of 1 hour per week or 10-20 minutes per day.

Please find attached a reminder about how your child can access their IDL Literacy account from home, on a variety of devices.Ways to Access IDL 2

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.


Primary 4-7 Learning for week 27.04.20 – 01.05.20

Below is the  a table for the learning for this week for P4-7.  These are the core learning activities from your teachers.  Miss Burton may also post additional learning opportunities – these are optional.  Please remember to go on Sumdog to complete the challenges set by your teacher as they are part of your learning for the week.  Have a great week.

Monday Spelling – do 3 activities from the grid or activities from teacherNumeracy/Maths

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube 9am daily), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

Tuesday Interdisciplinary Learning/TopicLiteracy e.g. grammar/punctuation

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

Wednesday ReadingNumeracy/Maths

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

Thursday Numeracy/MathsHealth or Topic

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

Friday Writing – Free writing activityPlus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

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