Information on School Closures

Dear Parent/Carer

As we enter a period of school closures, the following arrangements are in place to ensure that your child’s learning can continue throughout this time.

The key source of learning will be using online platforms (virtual learning environment) however alternative arrangements will be made by individual schools for pupils for whom online learning is not suitable.

For children attending the nursery, suggested learning experiences that can be completed within the home will be provided on the school/nursery blog and on our home learning sway at:

For children in P1-P3, teachers will provide a set of appropriate learning experiences that can be completed at home. These will be shared weekly through our school blog

Your child has been provided with a jotter to record their learning and there will be an opportunity for them to share this when they return to school.

Children in P4-P7 are part of their class Microsoft 0365 Team, which can be accessed through their Glow account. Your child requires their Glow username and password to access their Team, and they are familiar with how to use this platform. Information for parents on how their child uses Teams is available at

It is expected that your child accesses their Team daily to engage with the learning experiences being provided by their teacher. The platform provides a function for your child to share their learning with their teacher and receive feedback where appropriate and support where required.

The use of Teams for communication is for learning purposes only between staff and pupils and ensures the safety of all users.

Parents / Carers who have any questions or require further information should use the following contact details. Please emails the school at ensuring your state your child’s name and class.

Further advice about continuity of learning at PUSCPS can be found at this link:

I would like to thank our whole staff team and community for their support, understanding and patience during this uncertain time. Our school team will continue to provide all available support to your child and family where we can during this challenging period.

Kind regards,


Miss Burton

Head Teacher

Advice for P4-7 on How to Access Microsoft Glow Apps

We would request that if children have access to a phone or tablet they download the following free apps to support with learning through glow:

  • Microsoft Teams – This is their online classroom.
  • Microsoft One Drive – This enables the children to save work to upload to their team. It also allows them to access their documents at home and school.
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft One Note
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

Downloading Microsoft Apps and Logging in for the First Time

The instructions on the link below will show you how to log into the apps.

To download Microsoft Office 2016 from the Glow Application Library, search for the ‘Office 365’ tile, shown here. It can be found on the National (Scotland) Launch Pad or you can add it to your own Launch Pad. Further help on the App Library is available here.

To download the software to a PC or Mac, click on the Office 365 tile and follow the instructions. More information from Microsoft is available here.

If you are downloading to an iPad or iPhone, you will need to download the apps from the App Store then log in using your Glow username. More information from Microsoft is available here.

It is also possible to download the apps from within Microsoft O365. To do so, click on the Office 365 link in the top left of your screen. This will take you to the O365 home page. Click on ‘Install Office 2016’ and follow the instructions.

Entering your username

When logging in, you will be asked to enter your username – this is your Glow username plus the domain e.g. You will then be transferred to the Glow login screen.

Once you have entered your login details here, your registration will be complete. The Glow username will only activate the software for as long as that account is active in Glow.

Saving their work using an app

When using an app such as word or powerpoint, children should save their work to one drive.

When uploading their work to a team:

  • Within a post
  • Click the paperclip icon
  • Search in their one drive folder
  • Click on the document
  • You will see it upload

Saving their work using a netbook/ laptop

When using an app such as word or powerpoint, children can save their work to one drive/ or the computer.

When uploading their work to a team:

  • Click on files
  • Click on a folder
  • Click on upload
  • Search in their one drive folder/ or the computer
  • Click on the document
  • You will see it upload

P4 – P7 Get Glowing!

Primary 4-7 have been using glow to access learning online. Every child in P4-7 has a username and password that they can use to access different resources.


Each class has created a team and within the team the children can access different learning tasks in and out of school.


Miss Burton has set the children in P4-7 a free writing task and a maths question of the day. Log into your team and click on the literacy and numeracy channels to access the task. These channels can be accessed at home and at school. I look forward to reading what you come up with!


To find out more about glow click here.

If your child can not remember their glow log in, please email the school office ( and we will reset it for them.


Winter Ready

Please remember that in the unlikely event of a school closure, children can access home learning activities on our blog at:

Shortly your child will come home with a sticker to show that their teacher has discussed this with them.

It is important that we have the correct telephone number for all parents/ carers so we can groupcall you in the unlikely event of a school closure. This can be done for Primary 1 -7 children on the parents portal.


Parents and carers are being urged to be Winter Ready

Advice and guidance from West Lothian Council

West Lothian’s 31,000 pupils, their parents and carers can be one of the most affected groups during bouts of severe winter weather, particularly if there is a need to close a school.

Head of Education Jim Cameron said: “During periods of winter weather, the school closures page is the most viewed page on the council’s website, so we know it’s an important issue.  

“One of the most important  actions for parents and carers to do is check that their child’s school has up-to-date contact details so that messages via GroupCall can be communicated effectively. GroupCall is the first method of communication in the event of a closure or school disruption, so it’s very important that the school has the most up-to-date contact details.

“Whilst the message will also go out via websites, Apps and social media, GroupCall is the main method for schools. If there’s no GroupCall message, then there is no  major disruption at the school.”

He added:   “Parents/carers should also note that it’s their responsibility to decide on whether their child/children should travel to school during winter weather. It’s not for the school staff to tell parents whether their child should come to school unless, of course, the decision has been taken to close the school due to weather conditions.”

“The school can only make a judgement based on the condition of the school building and immediate area outside a building. They can’t make a judgement based on individual streets, roads and paths for every child.

“In extreme weather conditions such as snow, parents/carers should carry out an assessment as to whether they consider it safe for their child to travel or walk to school. Parents/carers should then inform the school of their decision at the earliest opportunity.”

For information on the impact of winter weather on local facilities, and tips on how to keep safe ,visit:

School Closure on Monday 5th March

All council primary schools, nurseries and special schools will remain closed on Monday. We will aim to get these schools open as quickly as possible and parents will receive an update on these schools on Monday.

Pupil safety is paramount and we have taken the decision to use a structured approach to re-opening schools.

This approach will allow us to clear snow and carry out essential safety checks to ensure that schools are staffed, safe to access, and that facilities such as heating systems, pipes and catering provision are in place and working correctly.

We understand that school closures are inconvenient to parents and pupils. However, we will always put pupil safety first and ensure that we have all appropriate measures in place before allowing pupils to return to school.

Our plans are based on current weather forecasts and if there are any further updates on schools, we will let you know via GroupCall and, website and Social Media as quickly as possible

West Lothian Council is planning to re-open secondary schools on Monday 5 March

The following schools are planned to open at normal opening times:

  • Armadale Academy
  • Bathgate Academy
  • Broxburn Academy
  • Deans Community High School
  • Inveralmond Community High School
  • Linlithgow Academy
  • St Kentigern’s Academy
  • St Margaret’s Academy
  • The James Young High School
  • Whitburn Academy
  • West Calder High School

For more information visit:

Our leaderboards for Sumdog … so far!

Top 8 for Reading (26 entries):

  1. Jack – P6
  2. Jake – P4
  3. Ellie – P4
  4. Charlie – P7
  5. Faith – P5
  6. Jaxon – P3
  7. Oksars – P4
  8. Jay – P5

Top 8 for Maths (25 entries):

  1. Ula – P7
  2. Kayden – P3
  3. Jack – P6
  4. Ailidh – P5
  5. Amen – P6
  6. Pupil from P5
  7. Pupil from P2
  8. Kyle from P5

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