Primary 3 Check-in 17.06.20

Hello Primary 3!

We hope you are having a good week so far and have managed some of the learning tasks. All your resources for this week are listed below. There are also sports activities to complete as part of this week’s whole school challenge. You can find all the details for this on the blog.

We would love to hear how you are getting on with your learning activities so far. Remember that you can get in touch with us by replying to this post or email us at

Enjoy the rest of your week and take care.

Ms Cave and Mrs McConville 😊🌈

P3 Home learning board 15.6.20 (1)

P3 Chilli Challenge 15.6.20

Venn Diagrams – 2D shapes

Toys Sorting – Venn Diagram

Sun Safety Information

Sun Safety Poster Challenge

Pushing and pulling forces sheet

Spelling week beginning 15th June 2020 & activities

Common Words – Blocks 1-9


Lost Property

We still have some children’s belongings that need to find homes! You can collect these during lunch times each day, 12:00-1:30pm until Friday 19th June.


Primary 1 Check-in

Good morning Primary 1

We hope you are all well and enjoying your week so far.  We’d love to hear how you are getting on with your learning grid and this weeks school sports challenge.  This week the whole school challenge is still virtual sports week. All the details are on the blog.

Remember that you can contact us via the blog by replying to this post or you can send us an email at  Your work can be completed in your jotter, on paper or printed.

You will find all the latest Primary 1 photos on our Primary 1 Virtual Learning Wall.  Well done!

Take care,

Mrs McJimpsey and Mrs Hardie  xxx

P2 check-in 17.06.20

Hello Primary 2!

I hope you’ve had a nice week so far and managed some of the learning board tasks.

It’s been great receiving your messages and pictures about the activities you’ve been doing at home. Remember if you don’t have a printer at home, please just use your home learning jotter.

This week the whole school challenge is  still virtual sports week. All the details are on the blog.

Remember that you can contact me via the blog by replying to this post or you can send me an email at

Take care,

Mrs Strachan xx😊

Tuesday 16th June – Important Reminders!

Please see below for important reminders for Tuesday!

As there are a number of reports, belongings and medication left over we will have all nursery – Primary 7 available on Tuesday 16th June from the school decking.

We would request that you please collect all your child’s belongings then. Belongings left behind will go to charity.

Left over reports will be posted out.

Due to data protection we will be unable to issue reports to children on their own or those collecting for others. We look forward to seeing you!

There is one a one way system in operation – in through the main side gate and out through the kick pitch gate. As always, dogs are not permitted in the school playground.

P3 Home Learning – Week beginning 15th June 2020

Good morning P3,

We hope you had a nice weekend and got out in the sunshine yesterday.

Here is your Learning Board and resources for this week. There are lots of activities to keep you busy. You can record the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets listed if you are able to print them.

There are two challenges for you to complete on Sumdog. One for Literacy and one for Maths.

If you usually do IDL spelling in class, remember to log into your account. (Details in Reading Records)

We would love to hear from you through a blog message by pressing reply or by sending a message or photos of your learning to the school email:

Messages and photos will be shared on the P3 Virtual Learning Wall.

Take care,

Mrs McConville & Ms Cave 😊

P3 Home learning board 15.6.20 (1)

Spelling week beginning 15th June 2020 & activities

Common Words – Blocks 1-9

P3 Chilli Challenge 15.6.20

Venn Diagrams – 2D shapes

Toys Sorting – Venn Diagram

Sun Safety Information

Sun Safety Poster Challenge

Pushing and pulling forces sheet


Into P1 Transition: Week 7

Welcome to week 7 of your into Primary 1 transition.
In the sway (link below) you will find your week seven task, which is making a healthy lunch box. Don’t worry if you haven’t had time to complete the other tasks, you can catch up this week.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday at your visit.
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