Red Nose Day – Update

Congratulations to all of our pupils and staff who did a job swap and made this day a success, I think we all had a great day and all deeply enjoyed it.

Thank you too to everyone for your generous donations.  We have raised £295.73.

Mr Lewis Taylor

Head Teacher for the day

Miss Speirs says thank you to all of the other wonderful Head Teachers who took part today; Miss Toal, Miss Neilson and Mr Elder who did a fantastic job.

Human Calculators!!

The best part of our week was taking part in a human calcluator activity on glow. Scott showed us fanatstic things in maths and how important the number 9 is!!  We even tried being human calculators in our maths group this morning when we were calcuating volume.

We also enjoyed using our decking area in the sunshine this week as a learning area!!!

Next week we are looking forward to World Maths day on Wednesday!!


The most active players in the past week were:

Ross – P7

Bayleigh – P6

Zoe – P6

Cameron – P6

Dolce – P5

Well done everyone!

Keep practising your mental maths, you could be the next ‘Human Calculator’ !

Our P7 Week

This week we were  rewriting nursery rhymes for Primary One  and here are some examples-

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down!

Hickory Dickory Dock.

Hickory Dickory Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck two,

The mouse went boo!

Hickory Dickory Dock.

 We have made up a new class target and it is “Think before we do anything.” and we hope we follow it 🙂 !

We know how to keep safe with electricity!

On Wednesday James from Scottish Power came to our school to talk to each class about electricity.  He told us all about electric cables and how we can stay safe with switches, plugs and power boxes.

Here are some facts we remembered:

  • Plugs have 230 volts in them.
  • We should switch off switches to help us keep safe.
  • Trains take 1 mile to stop.
  • There were 3 cables the orange one was for the garden, the black one is for your TV and the white one is for the kitchen.
  • Insulators are materials like rubber that electricity can’t travel through.
  • It can travel through conductors.
  • Power boxes are extremely dangerous and we shouldn’t go near them.

We got to hold 2 different big electricity cables. James had a black crow with a yellow nose called Sparky to help teach the little classes about being safe.                                                                                              

By Ellie Hamilton and Shea McEwan (…a little help from Amy Barnett and Miss McLennan)

Rights Respecting Week

Here is a sample of our work

p7 enjoyed learning about the rights of children this week and all the activities we took part in .The best part of our week was once again poetry writing!!! We wrote poems about an “ideal world” and some of them were read out at our assembly. All the staff were very impressed with them!!

Dannielle's poem

P7 Poets!

Earlier this week Primary 7 worked in pairs to create a recipe poem about what makes Scotland great!

Here are some quotations from them-

“Drop in 282 munros and dust them with snow”. By James and William.

“Take some beautiful empty land, stir in the sound of music”. By Junior.

“Then dip in some noisy bagpipes as loud as a lions roar.” By Lewis Taylor

“Grate the grass around the thistles.” By Michael.

They will be on display outside the P7 classroom for you to read!

We achieved our class target!!!!!

Scot’s Afternoon

This week saw our very successful Scot’s afternoon for the senior citizens of Pumpherston and Uphall Station as well as many of our parents and grandparents.  The children all worked hard to learn a selection of Scot’s poems and a several traditional scot’s songs and P5 learned a dance, which they performed with great enthusiasm.  The afternoon was a great success and the audience appeared to enjoy it thoroughly.

Our PM Nursery class
P5 dancing

UNICEF Day for Change

We will be supporting UNICEF’s Day for Change next Friday by having an Inside Out Day.   Children can come to school on Friday 8th February wearing their clothes inside out!  In return children are asked to bring a donation of 50p to help supprt UNICEF’s vital work.

The Highlights of Our Week

This week we enjoyed our Scots assembly and the particular stars were Lewis Taylor, Bruce Aitken, Lauryn Sandilands and Megan Stevenson. Thanks to our backroom staff!!!

We enjoyed our art lesson and produced excellent work in the style of Claude  Monet. We look forward to seeing the final product.

Our new class novel, “What If They Find Us” by Kathy Clark ,is about 2 refugees and is a gripping story which we are enjoying listening to it.

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