Measles, Mumps and Rubella Catch Up Campaign

It’s not too late to protect your child against Measles, Mumps and Rubella.

 NHS Lothian is running a catch-up campaign for young people aged 10 to 17 years who have not received two doses of MMR vaccine.

Some young people missed out on the MMR vaccination when they were younger. Two doses of the vaccine are required to ensure protection.

Information has been sent to parents and guardians of children who are 10 to 17 years old whose health records show they may not have completed the full course of MMR vaccination. NHS Lothian is encouraging parents and guardians of these children to contact their General Practice to arrange MMR vaccination for their child. 

 To find out more, visit or contact your GP.

Sneak Preview – Thursday’s Child

This Wednesday and Thursday, 12th & 13th June 2013, will see the only performances of Thursday’s Child, our school show.  Tickets are £2.50 for adults and £1.50 fo children and are selling fast!  The show starts at 7 pm each evening and is fabulous!  Here are a few sneak peeks but be sure to get your tickets while you can, as you won’t want to miss it!!!!!!!


P7’s Week

P6 and P7 football team represented the school at Mid Calder Gala on Wednesday. We played brilliantly, the team work was excellent and we really enjoyed it.

We settled well back into school life after our camp experience.

Our Health and Wellbeing curriculum evening was very successful and 8 of us taught our parents about keeping safe at home. Thank you to Bruce, Ashley, Declan, Lewis T, Wiktoria, Danielle, Lauryn and Megan.

Craft for Enterprise After-school Club

After our successful sale at the end of last term, the club are pleased to announce they made £40.59 profit.

We have decided to use this money to buy new materials for our next sale.  Following a long discussion we agreed to spend most of our money on ‘Fimo’ and we are currently busy making new crafts each Monday.

Thank you again to all those who visited our stall, we hope you liked our crafts.

What a Tree-mendous Day

Friday saw the planting of our long awaited orchard, and what a lovely day it was.  The sun was shining and everything went according to plan.  We now have trees for eating apples, cooking apples, pears and plums.  Each class got to visit during the planting and were able to taste some of the types of apples that we will be growing. 
Peeling and slicing apples the old fashioned way
Which ones will we be growing?
This is tree-mendous hard work


Standing in the orchard area reminded us of how lucky we are to have such a wonderful school in such a scenic area.  We have so many learning opportunities right on our doorstep and we are planning on making the very best of what we have over the coming months and years.

View to the right of the school from the orchard
The view from the orchard across the school
Our spring blooms in front of the school
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