Tempest Family Photos Re-Scheduled

The family photos that were scheduled for Friday 2nd March have now been rescheduled to Friday 23rd March. Your previous time will remain the same. If you would like to be added to the list please contact Mrs Thom.

This will be a dress down day to raise funds for Magale, it will therefore be your decision if children come to school in their uniform and then change into causal clothes, or you might decide to have their photo in casual clothes.

Arrangements for Tuesday 6th March

Good afternoon all,

On Tuesday breakfast club will open as normal at 8:10am.

If you are not attending breakfast club, safe arrivals will begin at 8:30am. All pupils should enter through the main school entrance, as close to 8:50am as possible.

Please take care when using the turning circle, as there are limited drop off spaces.

The main footpath to the school entrance is clear.

We will operate the same pick up arrangements as today:

  • P6/7 to exit from the side gate at 3:15pm.
  • P1-5 will exit the school from the front entrance, we will begin a staggered collection beginning with P1 at 3pm.
  • P4-7 Multi sports afterschool club will run as usual.

Please ensure children wear appropriate warm clothing for outdoors, as if it is an indoor break and lunch time, children will still have an opportunity to go outside during the school day.

The nursery will open at normal times with breakfast available.

Kind regards,
Miss Burton

Please check your child’s school bag

As we are playing catch up, can you please check your child’s bag for letters today. We hope this isn’t too overwhelming but we want to keep you informed of everything that is happening.

Whole school:

  • World book day voucher
  • Parents Night letter
  • Multi-sports – after school and lunch time clubs


  • Families Learning together letter


  • Author Visit letter


  • Families Reading Together helper letter


  • Spring Home Learning task

Arrangements for Monday

Good evening all,

As you will know by now our school and nursery are open on Monday 5th March.

On Monday breakfast club will be closed. There will be no milk available and pack lunch menus may vary from what has been planned.

Pupils should enter through the main school entrance, as close to 8:50am as possible.

Please take care when using the turning circle, as there are limited drop off spaces.

The main footpath to the school entrance is clear.

We will monitor the situation throughout the day and groupcall you about pick up arrangements for the end of the school day.

The nursery will open at normal times but there will be no breakfast club.

At the moment we presume that those who already attend P1-3 dance after school will be on, if this is cancelled we will groupcall parents in the morning.

There is further information available on the council website: https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/schoolclosures

We look forward to welcoming all our children back.

Kind regards,
Miss Burton



Unfortunately the West Lothian heats of this year’s Euroquiz, which were due to take place tomorrow, have had to be postponed due to the snow.  Hopefully this will be re-scheduled soon and our P6 quiz team will be able to put all their hard work to use.

If the team have access to the internet, then they could go onto the website we have been using to practise some of the activities.   http://europa.eu/kids-corner/countries/index_en.htm

Another idea might be to watch the news or read a newspaper to find some topical information about Europe. You could also practise your french with a friend or family member.

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