Good evening all,
As you will know by now our school and nursery are open on Monday 5th March.
On Monday breakfast club will be closed. There will be no milk available and pack lunch menus may vary from what has been planned.
Pupils should enter through the main school entrance, as close to 8:50am as possible.
Please take care when using the turning circle, as there are limited drop off spaces.
The main footpath to the school entrance is clear.
We will monitor the situation throughout the day and groupcall you about pick up arrangements for the end of the school day.
The nursery will open at normal times but there will be no breakfast club.
At the moment we presume that those who already attend P1-3 dance after school will be on, if this is cancelled we will groupcall parents in the morning.
There is further information available on the council website:Â
We look forward to welcoming all our children back.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton