This morning we welcomed Amanda and Sarah from Scottish Mediation to train all our Primary 6 pupils on how to use Peer Mediation. Although specific Primary 6 children have been selected to be a Magical Mediator next session, we recognised that these are imported life skills and invited all our P6 children to attend the training.
Primary 6 Transition Challenge
Well done to Primary 6 who today presented to Primary 5 to explain what life has been like for them as Primary 6 pupils! They worked in teams to use resources, discuss, brainstorm and collect ideas, before planning their presentations. They presented on the expectations, routines, responsibilities, learning experiences and ‘magic moments’ of Primary 6. By doing this, P6 were learning to help encourage learning and confidence in our P5 children, as well as supporting them as they prepare for their next stage at school. The children from Primary 5 were all very interested and asked lots of questions about life in Primary 6! Well done P6, it was a really excellent presentation.
Uphall Station Gala Day
P6 Parents
P1- 7 Sports Day
Harry Potter Lunch Time Club
Some of our P5 children had an idea to run a Harry Potter Lunch Time Club. They made a plan of what they would do, collected the resources they needed and made up a register.
This week the focus was on creating a wand and everyone who came along said they really enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next session.
It’s that time of year when we start thinking about moving on. Our Primary 7 and pre-school children have already started their transition journey over the past few weeks and months.
Transition Challenge
As part of Health Week, P1 – P7 have been set a transition challenge to teach the new children coming into their stage about their learning, achievements and events this year.
Here is an example of the P7 challenge:
Here are the P6s hard work completing the challenge:
Watch this space for the final results!
Moving up MorningÂ
On the 19th June we will have our moving up afternoon when our children will have the opportunity to meet their new teachers.
Class Structure
Currently our class structure for next session is:
- P1
- P2
- P2
- P3
- P4
- P5
- P6
- P7
*This is our current structure, however we are still awaiting our final numbers for Primary 1, so this may be subject to change if our numbers increase.Â
P6 health week -day 1
We had a very busy day in Primary 6 today! We all enjoyed our judo session this morning and loved learning lots of new skills. In the afternoon, we went out to practise our skipping. The P7s have been teaching us lots of rhymes and skipping games, which are great for our health and fitness, as well as being a lot of fun!
WL Sum Dog Competition So Far …
Health Week & Sports Day
Dear parents/carers,
Health week will take place next week (4th– 8th June), with a whole range of exciting activities for the children taking place in school. On Monday – Thursday, children should wear sports gear appropriate for indoor and outdoor activities, remembering that football colours are not permitted. Children should wear school uniform on Friday. Please ensure they have a water bottle each day.
Sports day be will on the afternoon of Thursday 7th June, on the playing fields beside the school. It will commence at 1.15pm.  Should we have to cancel due to the weather, we will Groupcall you by 10.30am on that day.  Please note, due to health and safety, there will be no access to the school for spectators. Due to photograph restrictions, we ask that you only take photographs of your own child/ children.
Kind regards,
Morag Dickie
Acting Principal Teacher