Term 4 Celebration Assembly
Today we had our second Celebration Assembly to celebrate all our achievements during Term 4.
Ruby and Meg, pupils from Broxburn Academy joined us to share with us about their achievements and their journey to achievement. They reinforced our school values and how it was important to preserve to achieve your dreams, although at times you might have set backs.
We had our Dojo Top Scorers for each of our houses – they received a gift voucher for WH Smith.
Each teacher nominated a child in their class for the Remarkable Reader Award for making progress in their reading.
They also nominated a child in their class for the STEM Superstar Award for making progress in Science, Technologies, Engineering and Maths.
We gave out Sumdog Awards for the recent West Lothian Sumdog Competition.
Out of 105 classes:
- Â 17th – P7
- 26th – P6
- Â 28th – P1M
Put of 2,275 pupils:
- 6th Hallie (P7)
- 23rd Lucas (P6)
One child in each of our groups at P5 Camp was nominated for an achievement award.
Iona in P7 was nominated for an award for recently taking part in the Edinburgh Moonwalk and raising over £1000 for charity.
Congratulations to Breich who recieved the most Dojos in Term 4.
DYW: Courier Article
Transition Morning
This morning our children have moved up to meet their new teachers. Parents/ carers will receive a groupcall email/ letter detailing their child/ children’s new class teacher.
Responsible Roles – First Aid Training
Today Primary 6 received some First Aid training to support them with their new Responsible Roles in August. The training developed their awareness of First Aid issues in the playground and in real life. They now are more informed about the role of the PSW First Aiders in the playground.
Thank you to Stefan from Albacare who worked with our P6 pupils.
Play Scotland: Advice for Parents/ Careers
Dress Down – 22nd June
Celebration Assembly – Tuesday 19th June
On Tuesday 19th June we are holding our second Celebration Assembly to mark our achievements this term.
Teachers have nominated children for a STEM Superstar and Remarkable Reader Awards in each class, if your child is receiving one of these awards you should have received a special invite last week.
Two pupils from Broxburn Academy are joining us to share their achievements and inspire us.
We will also be giving out Head Teachers Awards, Sumdog Awards, Top Scorers and the House Winners, so please feel free to come along and and join us at 2:15pm if you wish.
Peer Mediation Training
This week our Primary 6s went through Peer Mediation training with Amanda and Sarah from Scottish Mediation. They went through a range of activities exploring what mediation means and the processes that are involved in peer mediation.
Sarah and Amanda said:
”We had such a great time with the group of pupils, who were really focused on the task and a pleasure to work with … you will have a great team of magic mediators. Both Amanda and I would like to thank yourself and your staff for helping us and making us fell very welcome over the two days. Your school is a delight to work with.”
Some of P6 children will be Magical Mediators in the playground next session as part of our Responsible Roles programme.
Congratulations to Primary 6!