Welcome Back to School


Today our staff have been very busy making the final preparations for our children to return to school tomorrow (Tuesday). We have caught up on all the West Lothian policies and guidance and have looked at the year ahead, which we look forward to sharing with you at Meet the Teacher on Thursday 13th September.

On Tuesday morning, breakfast club will be open from 8:10, and our school playground will be open from 8:30am for safe arrivals. School starts at normal at 8:50am. Can we please request, at pick up time families do not enter the playground until 3:10pm, as some classes may still be using the facilities.

Unfortunately our new P7 ties have not arrived but we look forward to them arriving shortly. Until this happens, P7s should wear their white shirts/ polo shirts.

We look forward to welcoming back all our children and are excited about the year ahead for our PUSCPS family.

Visitors from Malta

On Friday we welcomed 52 delegates and residents from Mtarfa in Malta, who are twinned with Pumpherston. Guests included Mayor Attard and Joanne Mifsud, Head of the local primary school. We entertained our guests with a Scottish Celebration Assembly including dancing, singing and reciting poetry. The visit was organised through Pumpherston Community Council and we look forward to developing a partnership with the primary school on Mtarfa.





Breich Neon Party

Today Breich celebrated receiving the most Dojos in Term 4 by having a Neon Party. Everyone dressed in neon clothes and we got glow bracelets. We danced, played games and had lots of brightly coloured food. Thanks to our House and Vice Captains for organising and to our P7 Young Leaders for helping.

Well done Breich!



Breich Neon Party

Breich received the most House Points in Term 4.

The children have decided on a Neon Themed Party. This will take place on Thursday 28th between break and lunch time. Children in Breich should come to school in their school uniform and bring bright coloured clothes to change into for the party.

We look forward to celebrating!

School Reports

Please look in your child’s school bag today for their end of year report.

We have included a feedback slip, please comment on your child’s learning and return to the school.

Visitors from Malta

Pumpherston community are twinned with Mtarfa in Malta. This week, Pumpherston welcome 50 guests from Malta for a week long visit. As part of their visit they will visit our school on Friday 29th June.

During their visit we will welcome our guests to a Scottish Assembly at 9:30-10:00am, which you are welcome to attend. Following the assembly, our guests will meet with some groups of children to discuss our school.

Please be reminded that children should wear their school uniform on Friday. P7s will take part in their traditional ‘shirt signing’ after the assembly.

We look forward to you joining us.


The NED Show

Today we invited The NED Show along to PUSCPS.  NED is a loveable cartoon character whose name is an acronym for Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. Teachers love that NED is simple, relatable and kid-focused. The Assembly reminded us of our school values. Well done to Ewen, Caitlin and Sam who received a yo-yo for their participation. Thanks to Chad for coming along to present as part of The Ned Show.

P6 Peer Mediation Training

On Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th June Primary 6 took part in  Peer Mediation training.  Sarah and Amanda came from Scottish Mediation and led us in our learning of the mediation process.  The days began with some simple games which were enjoyed by all and then we began to break down and role play mediation situations.

We learned that we were the mediators and the people who came to mediation were disputants.  There were rules for the mediators and for the disputants to help the process run smoothly.  Primary 6 developed their questioning skills and their ability to help the disputants to come to a resolution, most of the time.  They also learnt that sometimes they may not be able to help the disputants to resolve the situation and that is OK too.  One important rule was that mediators are not allowed to offer a solution,  everyone agreed that this is very difficult sometimes.

Primary 6 enjoyed developing their mediation skills and were able to demonstrate this through their role play.

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