Primary 6 Weekly Update

This week we completed our Scottish Contexts topic. We recited our Scottish poems in front of our peers, where two winners were chosen to perform in front of the whole school. We all did a great job and are so proud of our representatives!

In Numeracy, we have been working on adding and subtracting decimals using mental calculations and column sums/chimney sums/formal written method. We have grown in confidence in this across the week, where we were then able to answer and create our own word problem examples for our peers.

We began our new topic for the remainder of the term, where we will investigate Body Systems. We began this through sharing what we know as a whole class and coming up with questions we wanted to investigate across the coming weeks.

In Health and Wellbeing,  we looked into what a friendship and/or a relationship is, what makes us a good friend and how to maintain each of these. We collectively created a ‘P6 Friendship Soup’ which incorporated all of our ideas for maintaining positive relationships and friendships. This is now on display in our classroom as a daily reminder.

Have a lovely weekend!

P6 Weekly Update

This week we have been learning about Scottish Culture during our mini topic. We were introduced to Robert Burns and explored many aspects of his life using digital technology. We were asked to note down all of our information in a creative way and share this with the class. This topic allowed us to explore capital cities in Scotland which tied into places that Robert Burns visited.

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During our mini topic, we have been asked to investigate The Scottish Colourists. We have chosen one of the famous Scottish Colourists and completed a fact file all about them. We were then asked to re-create a famous piece of artwork by John Peploe called Pink Roses, Chinese Vase.

      Image previewPink Roses, Chinese Vase - National Galleries of Scotland | SurfaceView

We have completed a pencil drawing and will finish this using John Peploes’ favourite technique of oil painting. We will post pictures of these when they have been completed next week for you.

P6 Weekly Update

Physical Education – Volleyball

This week in PE we have been developing our knowledge of Volleyball and introduced the underarm serve. Once we practised this skill, we moved on to using this in small games. We are improving our skills every week and we are enjoying trying a different sport. Next week we will be moving on to learn the overarm serve.

Modern Languages – Polish

This week we have been learning more Polish vocabulary. We have been learning how to say basic greetings, colours and recapping our knowledge of the alphabet. We want to say thank you to Ola for sharing all of her knowledge with us, creating resources for us to use and we can’t wait to use this on a daily basis.

We are looking forward to the next couple of weeks where we get to take part in lots of Christmas based activities alongside our learning.

Primary 6 Weekly Blog Post

Good afternoon,

This week in Primary 6 we have been learning about the festival of Hanukkah with Mrs McConville. We created a Menorah handprint to represent the eight-day Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.

Today, Ola took on the role of the class teacher where she was sharing her knowledge of the Polish language. She taught us how to say the alphabet alongside some basic greetings. We loved having her as our modern languages teacher!

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In Literacy, we spent time planning and writing a persuasive letter in support of refugees. We are looking to draft these into a letter format and send them to Boris Johnson to see if he can provide more support for refugees coming over to the UK.

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Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 6 and Miss Walkingshaw

Blog Post – Primary 6

Today we took part in various activities to show our support of Children in Need.

We learned about the history of Children in Need through a literacy based task, which provided us with the knowledge to create a quiz for our classmates and adults at home.

During our smart start, we were given the opportunity to create a t-shirt in support of Children in Need where we were able to show our creativity.

We took part in a Dance-a-thon alongside Primary 7 pupils using our outdoor area. We enjoyed showing off our dance moves. We were lucky enough to have our very own judge helping us score some of the dances too!

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Another fantastic week of learning in Primary 6, topped off with some fun to help an amazing charity!

Well done!

Primary 6 Update

This week we completed various activities relating to Remembrance Day.

The whole school took part in a one minute silence, which provided an opportunity to reflect and remember all those who fought for our country. To remember the soldiers who have died in the wars both past and present.

We were set a challenge to create a piece of artwork that would convey a message about this important day in history. We used pupil choice to select one of the following options, which focused on using a range of different art techniques:

  • Pointillism Poppies
  • Stained Glass Window Soldiers
  • Flanders Field

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Primary 6’s Amazing Week of Work

Dear parents/carers,

We would like to share our learning from this week with you. We have had a fantastic week where we have worked hard to demonstrate the school values.

In Numeracy, we have been learning how to find the value of each digit in a 5 or 6 digit number. We have also been extending our knowledge of place value where we participated in various active maths activities such as Place Value Castle and Cards.

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In Literacy, we have been exploring our new class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class and focusing on our different spelling patterns. We have learned about the features of a persuasive piece of writing and taken part in a class game of Countdown.

What to Read After... The Boy at the Back of the Class | BookTrust

We have also been introduced to our new piece of writing for this term, which is an exposition. We explored the purpose and audience for this type of text and we are looking forward to getting started.

In PE, we had our first lesson on Volleyball and Badminton with both Miss Walkingshaw and Mrs McConville.

Badminton vs. Volleyball (7 Important Differences) – Volley Expert

In RME, we explored the 5 main religions and beliefs from around the world. Over the coming weeks, Mrs McConville will explore this with us.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and keep safe.

Miss Walkingshaw

Term 4 P.E. Days

Thank you for your support with school uniform and our new approach to P.E. kit.

We would request that on P.E. days children wear to school:

  • white polo shirt/ t-shirt – with school logo or plain or blue school P.E. t-shirt
  • blue sweatshirt/cardigan – with school logo or plain
  • P7 – black sweatshirt/cardigan
  • plain black tracksuit bottoms/ joggers
  • black trainers
  • girls who are wearing a skirt over their leggings can remove their skirt on P.E. days
  • we would recommend that children don’t wear their shirt and tie on their P.E. days

In order to continue with our inclusive ethos and promoting our school identity we would request that children don’t wear branded clothing. We also have nearly new school polo shirts and sweatshirts that can be purchased for a small donation.

On non P.E. days children should wear their normal school uniform (this does not include tracksuit bottoms, leggings – unless with a skirt or jeans).

Term 4 P.E. Days

  • Primary 1 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 2/1 – Mon/Friday
  • Primary 3/2 – Wed/Fri
  • Primary 4/3 – Mon/ Tues
  • Primary 4 – Mon/Tues
  • Primary 5 – Tues/Wed
  • Primary 6 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 7 – Mon/Thurs

Thank you for your support with this.

Term 3 P.E. Days

Thank you for your support with school uniform and our new approach to P.E. kit.

This is just a reminder of what children should wear on P.E. days.

We would request that on P.E. days children wear to school:

  • white polo shirt/ t-shirt – with school logo or plain
  • blue sweatshirt/cardigan – with school logo or plain
  • P7 – black sweatshirt/cardigan
  • plain black tracksuit bottoms/ joggers
  • black trainers
  • girls who are wearing a skirt over their leggings can remove their skirt on P.E. days
  • we would recommend that they don’t wear their shirt and tie on their P.E. days

In order to continue with our inclusive ethos and promoting our school identity we would request that children don’t wear branded clothing. We also have nearly new school polo shirts and sweatshirts that can be purchased for a small donation.

We would request that on non P.E. days children wear their normal school uniform.

Term 3 P.E. Days

  • Primary 1 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 2/1 – Mon/Friday
  • Primary 3/2 – Tues/Fri
  • Primary 4/3 – Mon/ Tues
  • Primary 4 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 5 – Tues/Wed
  • Primary 6 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 7 – Mon/Wed

Thank you for your support with this.

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