Advent Assembly

Mr Povey joined us at assembly this morning to share the message of advent with us. Some of the children helped him to light the advent candles.

Our singing group, organised by Rebecca and Ceira in Primary 7, sang A Million Dreams.

Well done to all our Living Our Values children!

P7 Break Time Singing Club

Rebecca and Ceira in P7 have been using their break times to run a singing club. The video below shows one of the songs they have learned and they are going to sing it at assembly on Friday.

Well done to the girls and the group!

Book Week Scotland in P6

Primary 6 are doing an author study on Michael Morpurgo this term. For book week we enjoyed reading a variety of short stories by Michael Morpurgo, including ‘Rainbow Bear’, ‘My Father is a Polar Bear’ and ‘The Dancing Bear’. We discussed the language used to describe the bear in each of these stories, including his use of alliteration. Inspired by this, we wrote our own animal descriptions using alliteration and wow words.

Primary 6 have also started the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. During Book Week, we set ourselves reading targets as part of the challenge. We will be updating our reading passports regularly with reviews on each book we read.

On Friday, we dressed up as a character from one of our favourite stories. It was great fun seeing everyone (including Miss Cave) in their costumes!

PUSCPS Celebrates Book Week Scotland

Today we had a Book Week Scotland Assembly to celebrate our learning on the lead up to Book Week Scotland.

Miss Burton read us a passage from The Truth Pixie by Matt Haig, as this is book she enjoys reading.

We looked at some of the photos that children had sent in of them reading in an unusual place.  Well done to everyone who sent in a photo!

We watched a video in which children from each class shared what they had been learning in class.

We also dressed up as a book character!

We also celebrated our Living our Values children (and adults).



Club Wild  – Feed the Birds

At Club Wild we have been making fat cakes for the birds. 

Here is our quick and easy ‘Club Wild – Bird Fat Cake’ recipe:

– Lard/Vegetable or beef suet
– Porridge oats
Any of the following – bird seed, meal worms, bird nuts, ground nuts, hard cheese

Moulds – yoghurt pots or other plastic tubs, coconut shells, pine cones
– String to tie the mould

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until they are bound together. The warmth of our hands made the fat squidgy and sticky. Spoon the mixture into the mould and press it down. 
By providing fat for the birds we are helping them put on the weight they need to keep warm and survive the winter. Hopefully we will attract more birds to the school grounds where we can watch and learn more about them.

PUSCPS Christmas Fair – Plea for Donations

 We need your donations so we can go ahead with our usual stalls.  If you have any of the following items, please hand them into the school the week commencing 26th November.

Donations for coloured Tombola: Each class has been assigned a colour and we ask that you donate anything following that colour, e.g. red could be tomato sauce or red wine, brown could be chocolate, etc.

Toys: Unopened or in good condition.

Prizes: If you could donate any children’s prizes for the lucky dip it        would be a great help, for example party bag toys.

Home Baking:  Please drop off school baking to the school on Friday 7th December  – mark any containers you wish returned with your child’s name & their class.  Please include a list of ingredients. All donations & creations are appreciated!

Volunteers to help on the day.  If you can give us an hour or two of your time for setup or during the fair, please email us at

Thank you!

PUSCPS Christmas Fair

Sumdog Champs!

Congratulations to Primary 6 came 36th and P7 came 37th out of 91 schools in the West Lothian Sumdog Competition.

Also, a huge congratulations to Lucas who came 10th and Alice who came 30th out of 1862 pupils.

Children in Need 2018

Today we came to school dressed down in spots, yellow, like Pudsey or in our own clothes to raise money for Children in Need. We also donated lots of toys, games, home baking and books to a bring and buy sale. All our efforts raised a massive £402.65 for CIN … A huge amount! Well done who everyone who contributed to raise this fantastic amount. 

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