The Literacy Leaders used book lists from the Scottish Book trust to make a list of new reading books we could purchase for P4-7.
Pumphie Pals: Our Playground
This week in Pumhie Pals the focus was our playground
We made a list of new toys and equipment we would like for the different zones in our playground.
We looked at different playground scenarios and how the people involved felt. We also thought about how some of the scenarios could be prevented or resolved.
Happy New Year from Club Wild!
New Year Assembly
Mr Povey joined us for our first assembly of the year. He reminded us that we should be grateful for each day and not just the new year. He also reminded to care for others, and sometimes it is okay not to feel okay but it important to tell others.
Congratulations to our Living Our Values children this week.
Our winning house this week was Calder.
Breich Neon Party
Breich selected a Neon Party for receiving the most house points in term 2. Callum and Kamillia created a fin morning of musical status and bumps, greatest dancer and glow corners. Everyone also had fun dancing with their glow sticks. Thank you to all the P7s in Breich who helped to lead the party.
Congratulations Breich!
RSPB Visit
New Year Assembly
Festive Home Learning Task Winners
Our house and vice captains had the difficult job of selecting a winner for each class for the Festive Home Learning Task.
You can view the winning designs below. The children received a prize and assembly and their designs will be used to make school Christmas cards next Christmas.
Congratulations to our winners and everyone who took part.
Our Cracking Christmas @ PUSCPS