Club Wild – It’s never too cold for Blood Orange Sorbet!

We like to make and taste things at Club Wild. Mostly we use what we can find growing seasonally in the school garden or round and about in the orchard and hedgerows, but what could we find that grows at this time in the season?

Sarah-Jane told us that at this time of year she always thinks of citrus fruits,  making marmalade and of blood oranges.  Blood oranges are only available for us to buy in our supermarkets for a very short period between late January and March so we decided to try using them to make a simple blood orange ice  sorbet.

First we cut the oranges in half, some of the colours were amazing. The red pigments that we could see are the same anthocyanins that  are found in red autumn leaves. We squeezed the juice from the oranges and saved all the pips to plant later. Sarah-Jane boiled some sugar and water and then added it to our juice.  We gave it a quick stir and then popped it in the freezer.  In the morning, mashed together, our beautiful pink sorbet was ready. Gillon thought it was delicious and Huriyah gave it a definite thumbs up.  Even though it was so cold outside, it’s never too cold for our sweet and refreshing blood orange sorbet 😊.

Club Wild – RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

Last week Club Wild joined schools up and down the country to take part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch. The Schools’ Birdwatch started in 2001 and since then 2000 schools have been involved with 90,000 pupils getting out their binoculars to become real citizen scientists.

Over the last few weeks we have been getting things ready. We had great fun making bird feeders out of recycled bottles and cartons and we also made an information dial to help us identify our garden birds. We hung out our bird feeders in the wildlife area in the thicket of trees at the front of the school and making sure that our bird feeders are filled up regularly, we could hear and see that the birds were visiting the feeders.

On the day we carefully set up our bird hide in the thicket of trees, using camouflage netting to hide behind and waited patiently and very quietly. The birds soon came in numbers and it was great to see our usual friends of blue tits, coal tits, great tits, sparrows, wood pigeons and a robin. The birds loved our recycled feeders and we noted that most of the birds went for the seed rather than the fat balls. It is great get so close to the birds.

Back in school we submitted our results to the RSPB who will gather together all the data from the Big Schools Birdwatch with the data from the Big Garden Birdwatch. We can compare our results to last year and see if we notice any differences.The RSPB uses the data to monitor long term bird populations and the analysed results are published in March. The annual birdwatch is as great thing to do.


Primary 6 Scots Focus

As part of our Scottish focus, P6 studied the poems of Robert Burns. We completed an analysis of ‘A Red, Red Rose’ and used this to inspire us to write our own poems. We also practised reciting poems by Robert Burns for our homework. Well done to Owen and Murron for their fantastic recitals at our Scots Assembly!

Within Social Studies, we have been looking at the work of Scottish inventors. So far we have been using our research skills to find out about the work of Sir Alexander Fleming, John Logie Baird, Alexander Graham Bell and Sir Robert Watson-Watt.

Basketball Team Success

Our Basketlball Team played in the West Lothian Wolves tournament on Friday. They won 3 out of the 4 games they played in! This is a huge success for our team. A big thank you to Mrs Hamilton for coaching our team and to her son for coming along to help support them. Also thank you to all the parents and families that came along to support the team.

Scottish Celebration Assembly

This morning we held our annual Scottish Assembly to celebrate all things Scottish. It was fantastic to have older family members, family and friends join us for the celebration.

We welcomed two judges for the poetry recitals, Mrs Thom from our office and Mr Jenkins a local resident who is part of the Burns Federation.

Two pupils from each class were selected to present at the assembly.

The judges decided on one child from each stage from P2-7 to go through to the West Lothian Burns Competition in February/ March.

The winners were:

  • P2 – Jacob
  • P3 – Sophie-Rose
  • P4 – Eilidh
  • P5 – Aaron
  • P6 – Owen
  • P7 -Lauren

Congratulations to the children who performed but also to all the children who recited a poem in front of their class.

Two girls from Primary 4 demonstrated some Scottish dancing.

P1-3 performed some Scottish songs.

We shared a video from our nursery boys and girls.

Mrs Ross made some tablet to sale and our Parent Partners donated a Scottish hamper.

A big thank you to Lauren and Jack who saved the day by fixing our microphones.

Thank you to Mrs Cougan for organising our Scottish Assembly and to everyone who took part.

Glasgow Rocks Basketball Trip: P6 & 7

P6 and P7 have been issues with letters today.

We would like to offer children in Primary 6 and 7 the opportunity to watch Glasgow Rocks Basketball Team play against Worchester Wolves at their Emirates Sports Arena, in Glasgow on Sunday 17th March 2019. There are 19 places available with the first 11 places being offered to the school basketball team.

The children should arrive at school at 3:30pm, the bus will leave at 3:45pm and return at approximately 8:00-8:30pm.Tickets will cost £14; this is at a discounted rate from Basketball Scotland.

Tickets will be offered on a first come first basis with those interested paying a £7.00 deposit to secure their place, and we will set up a reserve list. The final balance should be paid by 1st March.

Miss Burton, Mrs Birrell and Mrs Hamilton will occupy the children on the trip. Children will be permitted to bring a pack lunch and snacks with them to the game. They should wear their school sweatshirt/ P7 Leavers hoodie but can wear they want as bottoms.

Scottish Celebration Assembly

There are still tickets available for our Scottish Celebration Assembly on Friday 25th January at 9:15am. These can be collected at the office or requested by returning the slip on the recent letter sent home.  We are now opening the tickets to more than two per family if requested.

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