On the West Lothian Sumdog Competition Leaderboard so far …
Out of 32 classes:
– P1 is 31st
Out of 909 pupils:
– Gillon in P6 is 49th
Remember you can long in at home and play as well! The competition is running all week.
Pumpherston and Uphall Station CPS Blog
A place for news, information and sharing learning from PUSCPS
WE Schools visited our P6s yesterday. The children took part in three workshops, debating issues such as climate change, bullying and hunger. The P6s were very respectful of each others’ opinions and Annie from WE Schools said they were a pleasure to work with. Well done P6!
On Tuesday night children and staff organised information workshops about our priorities in school this year. Thank you to our staff and children who organised the event and to those families who joined us.
Literacy & English: Writing & PEEP
Numeracy & Maths: Bedtime Maths App
Numeracy & Maths: Number Talks & Mathematical Mindsets
Across Learning: Digital LearningÂ
Support for Learning: IDL
Feedback from the event:Â
We used a form on glow to get some feedback on our event.
On Wednesday night, our five finalists from our Burns Assembly joined other children from schools across West Lothian  to compete in the recital competition.Â
Our children did a fantastic job of representing their classes at the competition, a big well done to them all and their families for joining them at the competition.
A special congratulations to Jacob who came runner up in the P1-3 section.
We recognised this achievement at assembly on Friday.