Leaving Assembly

Today we had an assembly to reflect on the time that Mrs Cullum, Mrs Struthers and Mr Champion have taught in our school. We sang songs to wish them well and shared memories of their time at PUSCPS.

We are really sad to see them go, and although we will miss them lots we wich them lots of luck in their new schools, which are very luck to have them.



P1 – P7 Parent Ethos Questionnaire

Each session West Lothian issue a parent ethos survey for families to complete about your child’s school. The findings of this questionnaire, along with our school evaluations, help us to plan future  improvements.

Thank you to everyone who has already taken part in the questionnaire. We would value if you could take ten minutes to complete the survey using the link below.



Club Wild – Trip to Almondell and Calderwood Country Park

We had a perfect day for our trip to the County Park. Blue sky and a warm breeze. Our taxi dropped us off in the north car park and we made our way down to the river with a mini scavenger hunt to complete.  One of the things on our list was 1 smooth pebble and 1 flat stone so we all had a go at skimming.

The rhodedendrums were in full flower and we were amazed by all the different colours.  Bright pink, purples, orange, red, peach and white.  The petals made carpets for us to walk on.

Lily smelt and picked some some wild garlic and remembered the wild garlic bread that we made at school.

Sight, smell and then noise.  The river was crashing over the stones at the waterfalls.  We couldn’t hear each other speak it was so loud.

We spotted frogs in the pond, dragonflies and damsel flies darting about and bees and butterflies flying from flower to flower. After a wee picnic of crisps and cake we found some amazing trees to climb. What a great afternoon!

Club Wild

West Lothian Primary Triathlon

On Tuesday 4th June some pupils from P5, P6 & P7 attended the West Lothian Primary Triathlon at Deans CHS. The children had a great day! They had to swim, cycle and run as fast as they could with quick transitions between each activity. After the triathlon, they participated in some other fun activities including hammer throw and tug of war. Every child received a medal for their efforts and the school received a certificate. Well done to all who attended!

Club Wild- Seed Bombs Away!

Each year at Club Wild we plant flowers so that we can all enjoy the beautiful colours but also to give all our small winged friends a helping hand.  Flowers attract many kinds of insects, bees and hoverflies working hard and pollinating our crops,  butterflies, ladybirds and many others.

Flowers that are rich in nectar and pollen provide the most food and wildflowers are great as they usually have simple, single flowers which make it easy for the insects to get to the pollen and nectar.

One of the most fun ways of sowing wildflower seeds is making seed bombs.  Here is our Club Wild Seed Bomb Recipe…

• Wild flower seed mix
• Peat-free compost
• Water
• Powdered clay (from craft shops or garden
  centre’s, or use clay soil)
• Mixing bucket

In the bucket we mix together 1 cup of seeds together with 5 chips of compost and 2-3 cups of clay powder.

Slowing mix in the water until everything sticks together,  then will the mixture into firm balls.

Then the fun bit! Plant by throwing your see bombs at bare parts of soil.

We threw some into our wildflower patch in the school cat park and also found some huge patches of bare ground where all the building work has been taken place around around the school. We can’t wait to see beautiful the pinks, purples, blues, oranges and yellows of the wild flowers growing and all the happy insects enjoying them too.

Transition Morning Success!

This morning our children were very excited to find out who their teacher would be for next session. They all enjoyed a getting to know you activity with their new teacher and we welcomed our new Primary Ones.

Our new Primary Ones and their families joined us for a Dine Together session, so they could sample our school lunches.

Our Primary 6 children were very excited about receiving their Primary 7 tie!


Club Wild – Take that nettles!

For all the times we have been stung by nettles we at club wild like to get our revenge and turn them into an amazingingly tasty soup.

Common nettle or stinging nettles are so abundant. You can find them along the edges of paths and hedges, in woodlands and disturbed ground. It’s green leaves with  deeply serrated edges and stems are covered in hollow hairs which can sting.

The nettles sting to protect the plant from predators eating and weakening the plant.  We know they do it for a purpose and we know that nettles are really good for butterflies and their caterpillars but still getting stung is really, really sore!

Here is our Club Wild Nettle Soup Recipe, which just about makes up for all the stings.

• 50g butter/1 tbsp olive oil
• half a carrier bag of nettle tops or large leaves
• 1 large onion chopped
• 2 large potatoes cut into cubes

• 1 litre chicken or vegetable stock

Wearing rubber gloves we picked and sorted through the nettles. Back at school we then washed them and drained in a colander.

Melt the butter in a large saucepan, add the onion and cook gently for 5-7 minutes until softened. Add the stock and potato. Bring to a simmer and cook gently until the potato is soft, about 15 minutes. Add the nettles.

Remove from the heat. Using an electric hand-held stick blender, purée the soup and then season with salt and pepper.

It looks and tastes amazing, so green but also creamy and rich. Some of us were slightly worried that it would still sting but heating the leaves takes all the sting away.  Katie and Kai liked it so much they had two bowls 🥣😊


Stellar Young Writer Awards Assembly




Thank you to our Literacy Leaders for leading the Assembly.

Congratulations to the winning entry at each stage.

Congratulations to this Primary 4 whose story will be entered to represent our school at the Stellar Awards.


You can hear the winning entries below, thank you to our Literacy Leaders and senior children for recording the stories for a surprise at the assembly.








Roots of Empathy in Primary 6

This week was our last Roots of Empathy session. We had a final visit from baby Alfie and his mum and we all received certificates as recognition of our learning achievements over the course of the programme. We also presented Alfie with letters and wishes for the future that we had written for him to read when he is older. We have really enjoyed watching him develop and grow and we have learned so much about caring for a baby.

In Science, we have been learning about buoyancy. We tested a number of different materials to see how well they floated. We discovered that the buoyancy of an object depends on its shape, weight and density, along with the depth of the water.

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