School Values Consultation
The questionnaire will close on 13th March 2020.
Primary 6 – Safer Internet Week
What were we learning?
* To explore the term ‘online identity’ and what it means for us.
How would we know if we were successful?
* We would be able to discuss our own online identities and consider how we are presenting ourselves online.
* Discuss the term ‘online freedom’ and say how we use this.
What did we do?
* We created an online identity wheel to think about how we present ourselves online (in terms of usernames, profile pictures, avatars).
* We explored scenarios where ‘online freedom’ had been appropriately/inappropriately used.
* We considered how we express ourselves online and if there is anything we can do to be ‘free online’, but still keep ourselves safe.
Check in with us next time to see what else we have been learning!
Until then…
Primary 6 & Miss M 🙂
Developing the Young Workforce – Call for help!
This term our class contexts for learning are as follows:
If you feel you can contribute to any of these contexts by talking about your job, skills, experiences, etc. We would love for you to help us. Please contact the office
tel: 01506 280995
or fill out the questionnaire below.
February Holiday
Dress Down Day Fundraising
Pumphie Pals: Our Dinner Hall
Term 2 Celebration Assembly
Two pupils from Bathgate Academy recently took part in the Polar Academy experience. They joined us this morning to share their journey and achievements with us. A huge thank you to the boys who gave us a very inspiring presentation.
Introducing our Awesome Authors for Term 2 …
and congratulations to our STEM Superstars.
We recognised one of Primary 7 pupils who received a West Lothian Young People’s Award for her commitment to buddying and supporting younger children in our school.
Congratulations to Breich fro receiving the most house points for term 2!
Breich House Party
Breich received the most house points for term 2 and decided on a Pyjama Party as their house treat. Everyone dressed up in their pjs or onesies and the Primary 7s had organised lots of game like corners and sleeping lions. Thank you to our house and vice captain of Breich for organising such a fun party!
P6 Scottish Focus
For our Scottish focus this term, we learned and analysed two poems by Robert Burns – My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose and To A Mouse. Â Scots dictionaries were used to translate the Scots words we were unfamiliar with. Â We looked at features of poetry such as simile, metaphor, imagery and personification. We then used what we had learned to write our own poems.
Research skills, group work and presenting skills were put to the test through researching the life and work of Robert Burns.
Well done P6!